function [d,si,h]=abfload(fn,varargin) % ** function [d,si,h]=abfload(fn,varargin) % loads and returns data in ABF (Axon Binary File) format. % Data may have been acquired in the following modes: % (1) event-driven variable-length (currently only abf versions < 2.0) % (2) event-driven fixed-length or waveform-fixed length % (3) gap-free % Information about scaling, the time base and the number of channels and % episodes is extracted from the header of the abf file. % % OPERATION % If the second input variable is the char array 'info' as in % [d,si,h]=abfload('d:\data01.abf','info') % abfload will not load any data but return detailed information (header % parameters) on the file in output variable h. d and si will be empty. % In all other cases abfload will load data. Optional input parameters % listed below (= all except the file name) must be specified as % parameter/value pairs, e.g. as in % d=abfload('d:\data01.abf','start',100,'stop','e'); % % >>> INPUT VARIABLES >>> % NAME TYPE, DEFAULT DESCRIPTION % fn char array abf data file name % start scalar, 0 only gap-free-data: start of cutout to be % read (unit: s) % stop scalar or char, only gap-free-data: end of cutout to be % 'e' read (unit: sec). May be set to 'e' (end % of file). % sweeps 1d-array or char, only episodic data: sweep numbers to be % 'a' read. By default, all sweeps will be read % ('a'). % channels cell array names of channels to be read, like % or char, 'a' {'IN 0','IN 8'} (make sure spelling is % 100% correct, including blanks). If set % to 'a', all channels will be read. % ***************************************** % NOTE: channel order in output variable d % ignores the order in 'channels', and % instead always matches the order inherent % to the abf file, to be retrieved in % output variable h! % ***************************************** % chunk scalar, 0.05 only gap-free-data: the elementary chunk % size (megabytes) to be used for the % 'discontinuous' mode of reading data % (fewer channels to be read than exist) % machineF char array, the 'machineformat' input parameter of the % 'ieee-le' matlab fopen function. 'ieee-le' is the % correct option for windows; depending on % the platform the data were recorded/shall % be read by abfload 'ieee-be' is the % alternative. % << OUTPUT VARIABLES <<< % NAME TYPE DESCRIPTION % d the data read, the format depending on the record- % ing mode % 1. GAP-FREE: % 2d array 2d array of size % by % Examples of access: % d(:,2) data from channel 2 at full length % d(1:100,:) first 100 data points from all channels % 2. EPISODIC FIXED-LENGTH/WAVEFORM FIXED-LENGTH/HIGH-SPEED OSCILLOSCOPE: % 3d array 3d array of size % by by . % Examples of access: % d(:,2,:) a matrix containing all episodes % (at full length) of the second % channel in its columns % d(1:200,:,[1 11]) contains first 200 data points of % episodes 1 and 11 of all channels % 3. EPISODIC VARIABLE-LENGTH: % cell array cell array whose elements correspond to single sweeps. % Each element is a (regular) array of size % by % Examples of access: % d{1} a 2d-array which contains episode 1 % (all of it, all channels) % d{2}(1:100,2) a 1d-array containing the first 100 % data points of channel 2 in episode 1 % si scalar the sampling interval in us % h struct information on file (selected header parameters) % % CONTRIBUTORS % Original version by Harald Hentschke ( % Extended to abf version 2.0 by Forrest Collman ( % pvpmod.m by Ulrich Egert ( % Date of this version: Aug 1, 2012 % PROBLEM CASE REPORTS % + June 2011: % In one specific case, a user recorded data with a recording protocol that % may have been set up originally with pClamp 9.x. In this protocol, % amplification of the signal via a Cyberamp (the meanwhile out-of-date % analog programmable signal conditioner of Axon Instruments) had been set % to 200. Internally, this registers as a value of 200 of parameter % h.fSignalGain. However, over the years, the setup changed, the Cyberamp % went, pClamp10 came, and the protocol was in all likelihood just adapted, % leaving h.fSignalGain at 200 (and the data values produced by abfload too % small by that factor) although the thing wasn't hooked up anymore. % However, when openend in clampex, the data are properly scaled. So, % either the axon programs ignore the values of h.fSignalGain (and % h.fSignalOffset) or - more likely - there is a flag somewhere in the % header structure that informs us about whether the gain shall apply % (because the signal conditioner is connected) or not. At any rate, % whenever you change hardware and/or software, better create the protocols % from scratch. % % BUG FIXES % + Aug 2012: % The order of channels in input variable 'channel' is now ignored by % abfload; instead, data is always put out according to the order inherent % to the abf file (to be retrieved in header parameter h). In the previous % version of abfload, specifying an order different from the inherent % channel order could result in wrong scaling of the data (if the scaling % differed between channels). % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PART 1: check of input vars % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- disp(['** ' mfilename]) % --- defaults % gap-free start=0.0; stop='e'; % episodic sweeps='a'; % general channels='a'; % the size of data chunks (see above) in Mb. 0.05 Mb is an empirical value % which works well for abf with 6-16 channels and recording durations of % 5-30 min chunk=0.05; machineF='ieee-le'; verbose=1; % if first and only optional input argument is string 'info' the user's % request is to obtain information on the file (header parameters), so set % flag accordingly if nargin==2 && ischar(varargin{1}) && strcmp('info',varargin{1}) doLoadData=false; else doLoadData=true; % assign values of optional input parameters if any were given pvpmod(varargin); end % some constants BLOCKSIZE=512; % output variables d=[]; si=[]; h=[]; if ischar(stop) if ~strcmpi(stop,'e') error('input parameter ''stop'' must be specified as ''e'' (=end of recording) or as a scalar'); end end % check existence of file if ~exist(fn,'file'), error(['could not find file ' fn]); end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PART 2a: determine abf version % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- disp(['opening ' fn '..']); [fid,messg]=fopen(fn,'r',machineF); if fid == -1, error(messg); end % on the occasion, determine absolute file size fseek(fid,0,'eof'); fileSz=ftell(fid); fseek(fid,0,'bof'); % *** read value of parameter 'fFileSignature' (i.e. abf version) from header *** sz=4; [fFileSignature,n]=fread(fid,sz,'uchar=>char'); if n~=sz, fclose(fid); error('something went wrong reading value(s) for fFileSignature'); end % rewind fseek(fid,0,'bof'); % transpose fFileSignature=fFileSignature'; % one of the first checks must be whether file signature is valid switch fFileSignature case 'ABF ' % ** note the blank % ************************ % abf version < 2.0 % ************************ case 'ABF2' % ************************ % abf version >= 2.0 % ************************ otherwise error('unknown or incompatible file signature'); end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PART 2b: define file information ('header' parameters) of interest % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % The list of header parameters created below (variable 'headPar') is % derived from the abf version 1.8 header section. It is by no means % exhaustive (i.e. there are many more parameters in abf files) but % sufficient for proper upload, scaling and arrangement of data acquired % under many conditons. Further below, these parameters will be made fields % of struct h. h, which is also an output variable, is then used in PART 3, % which does the actual job of uploading, scaling and rearranging the data. % That part of the code relies on h having a certain set of fields % irrespective of ABF version. % Unfortunately, in the transition to ABF version 2.0 many of the header % parameters were moved to different places within the abf file and/or % given other names or completely restructured. In order for the code to % work with pre- and post-2.0 data files, all parameters missing in the % header must be gotten into h. This is accomplished in lines ~288 and % following: % if h.fFileVersionNumber>=2 % ... % Furthermore, % - h as an output from an ABF version < 2.0 file will not contain new % parameters introduced into the header like 'nCRCEnable' % - h will in any case contain a few 'home-made' fields that have % proven to be useful. Some of them depend on the recording mode. Among % the more or less self-explanatory ones are % -- si sampling interval % -- recChNames the names of all channels, e.g. 'IN 8',... % -- dataPtsPerChan sample points per channel % -- dataPts sample points in file % -- recTime recording start and stop time in seconds from % midnight (millisecond resolution) % -- sweepLengthInPts sample points per sweep (one channel) % -- sweepStartInPts the start times of sweeps in sample points % (from beginning of recording) % define header proper depending on ABF version by call to local function headPar=define_header(fFileSignature); % define all sections that there are Sections=define_Sections; % define a few of these (currently, only the TagInfo section is used for % all versions of ABF, but that may change in the future) ProtocolInfo=define_ProtocolInfo; ADCInfo=define_ADCInfo; TagInfo=define_TagInfo; % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PART 2c: read parameters of interest % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % convert headPar to struct s=cell2struct(headPar,{'name','offs','numType','value'},2); numOfParams=size(s,1); clear tmp headPar; % convert names in structure to variables and read value from header for g=1:numOfParams if fseek(fid, s(g).offs,'bof')~=0, fclose(fid); error(['something went wrong locating ' s(g).name]); end sz=length(s(g).value); % use dynamic field names [h.(s(g).name),n]=fread(fid,sz,s(g).numType); if n~=sz, fclose(fid); error(['something went wrong reading value(s) for ' s(g).name]); end end % file signature needs to be transposed h.fFileSignature=h.fFileSignature'; % several header parameters need a fix or version-specific refinement: if strcmp(h.fFileSignature,'ABF2') % h.fFileVersionNumber needs to be converted from an array of integers to % a float h.fFileVersionNumber=h.fFileVersionNumber(4)+h.fFileVersionNumber(3)*.1... +h.fFileVersionNumber(2)*.001+h.fFileVersionNumber(1)*.0001; % convert ms to s h.lFileStartTime=h.uFileStartTimeMS*.001; else % h.fFileVersionNumber is a float32 the value of which is sometimes a % little less than what it should be (e.g. 1.6499999 instead of 1.65) h.fFileVersionNumber=.001*round(h.fFileVersionNumber*1000); % in abf < 2.0 two parameters are needed to obtain the file start time % with millisecond precision - let's integrate both into parameter % lFileStartTime (unit: s) so that nFileStartMillisecs will not be needed h.lFileStartTime=h.lFileStartTime+h.nFileStartMillisecs*.001; end if h.fFileVersionNumber>=2 % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % *** read file information that has moved from the header section to % other sections in ABF version >= 2.0 and assign selected values to % fields of 'generic' header variable h *** % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % --- read in the Sections Sects=cell2struct(Sections,{'name'},2); numOfSections=length(Sections); offset=76; % this creates all sections (ADCSection, ProtocolSection, etc.) for i=1:numOfSections eval([Sects(i).name '=ReadSectionInfo(fid,offset);']); offset=offset+4+4+8; end % --- read in the StringsSection and use some fields (to retrieve % information on the names of recorded channels and the units) fseek(fid,StringsSection.uBlockIndex*BLOCKSIZE,'bof'); BigString=fread(fid,StringsSection.uBytes,'char'); % this is a hack: determine where either of strings 'clampex', % 'clampfit', 'axoscope' or patchxpress' begin progString={'clampex','clampfit','axoscope','patchxpress'}; goodstart=[]; for i=1:numel(progString) goodstart=cat(1,goodstart,strfind(lower(char(BigString)'),progString{i})); end % if either none or more than one were found, we're likely in trouble if numel(goodstart)~=1 warning('problems in StringsSection'); end BigString=BigString(goodstart(1):end)'; stringends=find(BigString==0); stringends=[0 stringends]; for i=1:length(stringends)-1 Strings{i}=char(BigString(stringends(i)+1:stringends(i+1)-1)); end h.recChNames=[]; h.recChUnits=[]; % --- read in the ADCSection & copy some values to header h for i=1:ADCSection.llNumEntries ADCsec(i)=ReadSection(fid,ADCSection.uBlockIndex*BLOCKSIZE+ADCSection.uBytes*(i-1),ADCInfo); ii=ADCsec(i).nADCNum+1; h.nADCSamplingSeq(i)=ADCsec(i).nADCNum; h.recChNames=strvcat(h.recChNames, Strings{ADCsec(i).lADCChannelNameIndex}); unitsIndex=ADCsec(i).lADCUnitsIndex; if unitsIndex>0 h.recChUnits=strvcat(h.recChUnits, Strings{ADCsec(i).lADCUnitsIndex}); else h.recChUnits=strvcat(h.recChUnits,''); end h.nTelegraphEnable(ii)=ADCsec(i).nTelegraphEnable; h.fTelegraphAdditGain(ii)=ADCsec(i).fTelegraphAdditGain; h.fInstrumentScaleFactor(ii)=ADCsec(i).fInstrumentScaleFactor; h.fSignalGain(ii)=ADCsec(i).fSignalGain; h.fADCProgrammableGain(ii)=ADCsec(i).fADCProgrammableGain; h.fInstrumentOffset(ii)=ADCsec(i).fInstrumentOffset; h.fSignalOffset(ii)=ADCsec(i).fSignalOffset; end % --- read in the protocol section & copy some values to header h ProtocolSec=ReadSection(fid,ProtocolSection.uBlockIndex*BLOCKSIZE,ProtocolInfo); h.nOperationMode=ProtocolSec.nOperationMode; h.fSynchTimeUnit=ProtocolSec.fSynchTimeUnit; h.nADCNumChannels=ADCSection.llNumEntries; h.lActualAcqLength=DataSection.llNumEntries; h.lDataSectionPtr=DataSection.uBlockIndex; h.nNumPointsIgnored=0; % in ABF version < 2.0 h.fADCSampleInterval is the sampling interval % defined as % 1/(sampling freq*number_of_channels) % so divide ProtocolSec.fADCSequenceInterval by the number of % channels h.fADCSampleInterval=ProtocolSec.fADCSequenceInterval/h.nADCNumChannels; h.fADCRange=ProtocolSec.fADCRange; h.lADCResolution=ProtocolSec.lADCResolution; % --- in contrast to procedures with all other sections do not read the % sync array section but rather copy the values of its fields to the % corresponding fields of h h.lSynchArrayPtr=SynchArraySection.uBlockIndex; h.lSynchArraySize=SynchArraySection.llNumEntries; else % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % *** here, do the inverse: in ABF version<2 files extract information % from header variable h and place it in corresponding new section % variable(s) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TagSection.llNumEntries=h.lNumTagEntries; TagSection.uBlockIndex=h.lTagSectionPtr; TagSection.uBytes=64; end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PART 2d: groom parameters & perform some plausibility checks % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if h.lActualAcqLength=1.65 addGain=h.nTelegraphEnable.*h.fTelegraphAdditGain; addGain(addGain==0)=1; else addGain=ones(size(h.fTelegraphAdditGain)); end % determine offset at which data start switch h.nDataFormat case 0 dataSz=2; % bytes/point precision='int16'; case 1 dataSz=4; % bytes/point precision='float32'; otherwise fclose(fid); error('invalid number format'); end headOffset=h.lDataSectionPtr*BLOCKSIZE+h.nNumPointsIgnored*dataSz; % h.fADCSampleInterval is the TOTAL sampling interval*h.nADCNumChannels; % assign same value to si, which is an output variable; if ischar(sweeps) && sweeps=='a' nSweeps=h.lActualEpisodes; sweeps=1:h.lActualEpisodes; else nSweeps=length(sweeps); end % determine time unit in synch array section switch h.fSynchTimeUnit case 0 % time information in synch array section is in terms of ticks h.synchArrTimeBase=1; otherwise % time information in synch array section is in terms of usec h.synchArrTimeBase=h.fSynchTimeUnit; end % read in the TagSection, do a few computations & write to h.tags h.tags=[]; for i=1:TagSection.llNumEntries tmp=ReadSection(fid,TagSection.uBlockIndex*BLOCKSIZE+TagSection.uBytes*(i-1),TagInfo); % time of tag entry from start of experiment in s (corresponding expisode % number, if applicable, will be determined later) h.tags(i).timeSinceRecStart=tmp.lTagTime*h.synchArrTimeBase/1e6; h.tags(i).comment=char(tmp.sComment)'; end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PART 3: read data (note: from here on code is generic and abf version % should not matter) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- switch h.nOperationMode case 1 disp('data were acquired in event-driven variable-length mode'); if h.fFileVersionNumber>=2.0 errordlg('abfload currently does not work with data acquired in event-driven variable-length mode and ABF version 2.0','ABF version issue'); else if (h.lSynchArrayPtr<=0 || h.lSynchArraySize<=0), fclose(fid); error('internal variables ''lSynchArraynnn'' are zero or negative'); end % the byte offset at which the SynchArraySection starts h.lSynchArrayPtrByte=BLOCKSIZE*h.lSynchArrayPtr; % before reading Synch Arr parameters check if file is big enough to hold them % 4 bytes/long, 2 values per episode (start and length) if h.lSynchArrayPtrByte+2*4*h.lSynchArraySize0, fclose(fid); error('number of data points in episode not OK'); end % separate channels.. tmpd=reshape(tmpd,h.nADCNumChannels,h.dataPtsPerChan); % retain only requested channels tmpd=tmpd(chInd,:); tmpd=tmpd'; % if data format is integer, scale appropriately; if it's float, tmpd is fine if ~h.nDataFormat for j=1:length(chInd), ch=recChIdx(chInd(j))+1; tmpd(:,j)=tmpd(:,j)/(h.fInstrumentScaleFactor(ch)*h.fSignalGain(ch)*h.fADCProgrammableGain(ch)*addGain(ch))... *h.fADCRange/h.lADCResolution+h.fInstrumentOffset(ch)-h.fSignalOffset(ch); end end % now place in cell array, an element consisting of one sweep with channels in columns d{i}=tmpd; end end end case {2,4,5} if h.nOperationMode==2 disp('data were acquired in event-driven fixed-length mode'); elseif h.nOperationMode==4 disp('data were acquired in high-speed oscilloscope mode'); else disp('data were acquired in waveform fixed-length mode'); end % extract timing information on sweeps if (h.lSynchArrayPtr<=0 || h.lSynchArraySize<=0), fclose(fid); error('internal variables ''lSynchArraynnn'' are zero or negative'); end % the byte offset at which the SynchArraySection starts h.lSynchArrayPtrByte=BLOCKSIZE*h.lSynchArrayPtr; % before reading Synch Arr parameters check if file is big enough to hold them % 4 bytes/long, 2 values per episode (start and length) if h.lSynchArrayPtrByte+2*4*h.lSynchArraySize>fileSz, fclose(fid); error('file seems not to contain complete Synch Array Section'); end if fseek(fid,h.lSynchArrayPtrByte,'bof')~=0, fclose(fid); error('something went wrong positioning file pointer to Synch Array Section'); end [synchArr,n]=fread(fid,h.lSynchArraySize*2,'int32'); if n~=h.lSynchArraySize*2, fclose(fid); error('something went wrong reading synch array section'); end % make synchArr a h.lSynchArraySize x 2 matrix synchArr=permute(reshape(synchArr',2,h.lSynchArraySize),[2 1]); if numel(unique(synchArr(:,2)))>1 fclose(fid); error('sweeps of unequal length in file recorded in fixed-length mode'); end % the length of sweeps in sample points (**note: parameter lLength of % the ABF synch section is expressed in samples (ticks) whereas % parameter lStart is given in synchArrTimeBase units) h.sweepLengthInPts=synchArr(1,2)/h.nADCNumChannels; % the starting ticks of episodes in sample points (t0=1=beginning of % recording) h.sweepStartInPts=synchArr(:,1)*(h.synchArrTimeBase/h.fADCSampleInterval/h.nADCNumChannels); % recording start and stop times in seconds from midnight h.recTime=h.lFileStartTime; h.recTime=h.recTime+[0 (1e-6*(h.sweepStartInPts(end)+h.sweepLengthInPts))*h.fADCSampleInterval*h.nADCNumChannels]; % determine first point and number of points to be read startPt=0; h.dataPts=h.lActualAcqLength; h.dataPtsPerChan=h.dataPts/h.nADCNumChannels; if rem(h.dataPts,h.nADCNumChannels)>0 || rem(h.dataPtsPerChan,h.lActualEpisodes)>0 fclose(fid); error('number of data points not OK'); end % temporary helper var dataPtsPerSweep=h.sweepLengthInPts*h.nADCNumChannels; if fseek(fid,startPt*dataSz+headOffset,'bof')~=0 fclose(fid); error('something went wrong positioning file pointer (too few data points ?)'); end d=zeros(h.sweepLengthInPts,length(chInd),nSweeps); % the starting ticks of episodes in sample points WITHIN THE DATA FILE selectedSegStartInPts=((sweeps-1)*dataPtsPerSweep)*dataSz+headOffset; % ** load data if requested if doLoadData for i=1:nSweeps, fseek(fid,selectedSegStartInPts(i),'bof'); [tmpd,n]=fread(fid,dataPtsPerSweep,precision); if n~=dataPtsPerSweep, fclose(fid); error(['something went wrong reading episode ' int2str(sweeps(i)) ': ' dataPtsPerSweep ' points should have been read, ' int2str(n) ' points actually read']); end h.dataPtsPerChan=n/h.nADCNumChannels; if rem(n,h.nADCNumChannels)>0 fclose(fid); error('number of data points in episode not OK'); end % separate channels.. tmpd=reshape(tmpd,h.nADCNumChannels,h.dataPtsPerChan); % retain only requested channels tmpd=tmpd(chInd,:); tmpd=tmpd'; % if data format is integer, scale appropriately; if it's float, d is fine if ~h.nDataFormat for j=1:length(chInd), ch=recChIdx(chInd(j))+1; tmpd(:,j)=tmpd(:,j)/(h.fInstrumentScaleFactor(ch)*h.fSignalGain(ch)*h.fADCProgrammableGain(ch)*addGain(ch))... *h.fADCRange/h.lADCResolution+h.fInstrumentOffset(ch)-h.fSignalOffset(ch); end end % now fill 3d array d(:,:,i)=tmpd; end end case 3 disp('data were acquired in gap-free mode'); % from start, stop, headOffset and h.fADCSampleInterval calculate first point to be read % and - unless stop is given as 'e' - number of points startPt=floor(1e6*start*(1/h.fADCSampleInterval)); % this corrects undesired shifts in the reading frame due to rounding errors in the previous calculation startPt=floor(startPt/h.nADCNumChannels)*h.nADCNumChannels; % if stop is a char array, it can only be 'e' at this point (other values would have % been caught above) if ischar(stop), h.dataPtsPerChan=h.lActualAcqLength/h.nADCNumChannels-floor(1e6*start/; h.dataPts=h.dataPtsPerChan*h.nADCNumChannels; else h.dataPtsPerChan=floor(1e6*(stop-start)*(1/; h.dataPts=h.dataPtsPerChan*h.nADCNumChannels; if h.dataPts<=0 fclose(fid); error('start is larger than or equal to stop'); end end if rem(h.dataPts,h.nADCNumChannels)>0 fclose(fid); error('number of data points not OK'); end tmp=1e-6*h.lActualAcqLength*h.fADCSampleInterval; if verbose disp(['total length of recording: ' num2str(tmp,'%5.1f') ' s ~ ' num2str(tmp/60,'%3.0f') ' min']); disp(['sampling interval: ' num2str(,'%5.0f') ' µs']); % 8 bytes per data point expressed in Mb disp(['memory requirement for complete upload in matlab: '... num2str(round(8*h.lActualAcqLength/2^20)) ' MB']); end % recording start and stop times in seconds from midnight h.recTime=h.lFileStartTime; h.recTime=[h.recTime h.recTime+tmp]; if fseek(fid,startPt*dataSz+headOffset,'bof')~=0, fclose(fid); error('something went wrong positioning file pointer (too few data points ?)'); end if doLoadData % *** decide on the most efficient way to read data: % (i) all (of one or several) channels requested: read, done % (ii) one (of several) channels requested: use the 'skip' feature of % fread % (iii) more than one but not all (of several) channels requested: % 'discontinuous' mode of reading data. Read a reasonable chunk of data % (all channels), separate channels, discard non-requested ones (if % any), place data in preallocated array, repeat until done. This is % faster than reading the data in one big lump, separating channels and % discarding the ones not requested if length(chInd)==1 && h.nADCNumChannels>1 % --- situation (ii) % jump to proper reading frame position in file if fseek(fid,(chInd-1)*dataSz,'cof')~=0 fclose(fid); error('something went wrong positioning file pointer (too few data points ?)'); end % read, skipping h.nADCNumChannels-1 data points after each read [d,n]=fread(fid,h.dataPtsPerChan,precision,dataSz*(h.nADCNumChannels-1)); if n~=h.dataPtsPerChan, fclose(fid); error(['something went wrong reading file (' int2str(h.dataPtsPerChan) ' points should have been read, ' int2str(n) ' points actually read']); end elseif length(chInd)/h.nADCNumChannels<1 % --- situation (iii) % prepare chunkwise upload: % preallocate d d=repmat(nan,h.dataPtsPerChan,length(chInd)); % the number of data points corresponding to the maximal chunk size, % rounded off such that from each channel the same number of points is % read (do not forget that each data point will by default be made a % double of 8 bytes, no matter what the original data format is) chunkPtsPerChan=floor(chunk*2^20/8/h.nADCNumChannels); chunkPts=chunkPtsPerChan*h.nADCNumChannels; % the number of those chunks.. nChunk=floor(h.dataPts/chunkPts); % ..and the remainder restPts=h.dataPts-nChunk*chunkPts; restPtsPerChan=restPts/h.nADCNumChannels; % chunkwise row indices into d dix=(1:chunkPtsPerChan:h.dataPtsPerChan)'; dix(:,2)=dix(:,1)+chunkPtsPerChan-1; dix(end,2)=h.dataPtsPerChan; if verbose && nChunk disp(['reading file in ' int2str(nChunk) ' chunks of ~' num2str(chunk) ' Mb']); end % do it: if no remainder exists loop through all rows of dix, % otherwise spare last row for the lines below (starting with % 'if restPts') for ci=1:size(dix,1)-(restPts>0) [tmpd,n]=fread(fid,chunkPts,precision); if n~=chunkPts fclose(fid); error(['something went wrong reading chunk #' int2str(ci) ' (' ... int2str(chunkPts) ' points should have been read, ' int2str(n) ' points actually read']); end % separate channels.. tmpd=reshape(tmpd,h.nADCNumChannels,chunkPtsPerChan); d(dix(ci,1):dix(ci,2),:)=tmpd(chInd,:)'; end % collect the rest, if any if restPts [tmpd,n]=fread(fid,restPts,precision); if n~=restPts fclose(fid); error(['something went wrong reading last chunk (' ... int2str(restPts) ' points should have been read, ' int2str(n) ' points actually read']); end % separate channels.. tmpd=reshape(tmpd,h.nADCNumChannels,restPtsPerChan); d(dix(end,1):dix(end,2),:)=tmpd(chInd,:)'; end else % --- situation (i) [d,n]=fread(fid,h.dataPts,precision); if n~=h.dataPts, fclose(fid); error(['something went wrong reading file (' int2str(h.dataPts) ' points should have been read, ' int2str(n) ' points actually read']); end % separate channels.. d=reshape(d,h.nADCNumChannels,h.dataPtsPerChan); d=d'; end % if data format is integer, scale appropriately; if it's float, d is fine if ~h.nDataFormat for j=1:length(chInd), ch=recChIdx(chInd(j))+1; d(:,j)=d(:,j)/(h.fInstrumentScaleFactor(ch)*h.fSignalGain(ch)*h.fADCProgrammableGain(ch)*addGain(ch))... *h.fADCRange/h.lADCResolution+h.fInstrumentOffset(ch)-h.fSignalOffset(ch); end end end otherwise disp('unknown recording mode -- returning empty matrix'); d=[];[]; end fclose(fid); % finally, possibly add information on episode number to tags if ~isempty(h.tags) && isfield(h,'sweepStartInPts') for i=1:numel(h.tags) tmp=find(h.tags(i).timeSinceRecStart>=h.sweepStartInPts/1e6*; h.tags(i).episodeIndex=tmp(end); end end % ######################################################################## % LOCAL FUNCTIONS % ######################################################################## function headPar=define_header(fileSig) switch fileSig case 'ABF ' % ** note the blank % ************************ % abf version < 2.0 % ************************ % % temporary initializing var tmp=repmat(-1,1,16); % define vital header parameters and initialize them with -1: set up a % cell array (and convert it to a struct later on, which is more % convenient) % column order is % name, position in header in bytes, type, value) headPar={ 'fFileSignature',0,'*char',[-1 -1 -1 -1]; 'fFileVersionNumber',4,'float32',-1; 'nOperationMode',8,'int16',-1; 'lActualAcqLength',10,'int32',-1; 'nNumPointsIgnored',14,'int16',-1; 'lActualEpisodes',16,'int32',-1; 'lFileStartTime',24,'int32',-1; 'lDataSectionPtr',40,'int32',-1; 'lTagSectionPtr',44,'int32',-1; 'lNumTagEntries',48,'int32',-1; 'lSynchArrayPtr',92,'int32',-1; 'lSynchArraySize',96,'int32',-1; 'nDataFormat',100,'int16',-1; 'nADCNumChannels', 120, 'int16', -1; 'fADCSampleInterval',122,'float', -1; 'fSynchTimeUnit',130,'float',-1; 'lNumSamplesPerEpisode',138,'int32',-1; 'lPreTriggerSamples',142,'int32',-1; 'lEpisodesPerRun',146,'int32',-1; 'fADCRange', 244, 'float', -1; 'lADCResolution', 252, 'int32', -1; 'nFileStartMillisecs', 366, 'int16', -1; 'nADCPtoLChannelMap', 378, 'int16', tmp; 'nADCSamplingSeq', 410, 'int16', tmp; 'sADCChannelName',442, 'uchar', repmat(tmp,1,10); 'sADCUnits',602, 'uchar', repmat(tmp,1,8); 'fADCProgrammableGain', 730, 'float', tmp; 'fInstrumentScaleFactor', 922, 'float', tmp; 'fInstrumentOffset', 986, 'float', tmp; 'fSignalGain', 1050, 'float', tmp; 'fSignalOffset', 1114, 'float', tmp; 'nTelegraphEnable',4512,'int16',tmp; 'fTelegraphAdditGain',4576,'float',tmp }; case 'ABF2' % ************************ % abf version >= 2.0 % ************************ headPar={ 'fFileSignature',0,'*char',[-1 -1 -1 -1]; 'fFileVersionNumber',4,'bit8=>int',[-1 -1 -1 -1]; 'uFileInfoSize',8,'uint32',-1; 'lActualEpisodes',12,'uint32',-1; 'uFileStartDate',16','uint32',-1; 'uFileStartTimeMS',20,'uint32',-1; 'uStopwatchTime',24,'uint32',-1; 'nFileType',28,'int16',-1; 'nDataFormat',30,'int16',-1; 'nSimultaneousScan',32,'int16',-1; 'nCRCEnable',34,'int16',-1; 'uFileCRC',36,'uint32',-1; 'FileGUID',40,'uint32',-1; 'uCreatorVersion',56,'uint32',-1; 'uCreatorNameIndex',60,'uint32',-1; 'uModifierVersion',64,'uint32',-1; 'uModifierNameIndex',68,'uint32',-1; 'uProtocolPathIndex',72,'uint32',-1; }; end function Sections=define_Sections Sections={'ProtocolSection'; 'ADCSection'; 'DACSection'; 'EpochSection'; 'ADCPerDACSection'; 'EpochPerDACSection'; 'UserListSection'; 'StatsRegionSection'; 'MathSection'; 'StringsSection'; 'DataSection'; 'TagSection'; 'ScopeSection'; 'DeltaSection'; 'VoiceTagSection'; 'SynchArraySection'; 'AnnotationSection'; 'StatsSection'; }; function ProtocolInfo=define_ProtocolInfo ProtocolInfo={ 'nOperationMode','int16',1; 'fADCSequenceInterval','float',1; 'bEnableFileCompression','bit1',1; 'sUnused1','char',3; 'uFileCompressionRatio','uint32',1; 'fSynchTimeUnit','float',1; 'fSecondsPerRun','float',1; 'lNumSamplesPerEpisode','int32',1; 'lPreTriggerSamples','int32',1; 'lEpisodesPerRun','int32',1; 'lRunsPerTrial','int32',1; 'lNumberOfTrials','int32',1; 'nAveragingMode','int16',1; 'nUndoRunCount','int16',1; 'nFirstEpisodeInRun','int16',1; 'fTriggerThreshold','float',1; 'nTriggerSource','int16',1; 'nTriggerAction','int16',1; 'nTriggerPolarity','int16',1; 'fScopeOutputInterval','float',1; 'fEpisodeStartToStart','float',1; 'fRunStartToStart','float',1; 'lAverageCount','int32',1; 'fTrialStartToStart','float',1; 'nAutoTriggerStrategy','int16',1; 'fFirstRunDelayS','float',1; 'nChannelStatsStrategy','int16',1; 'lSamplesPerTrace','int32',1; 'lStartDisplayNum','int32',1; 'lFinishDisplayNum','int32',1; 'nShowPNRawData','int16',1; 'fStatisticsPeriod','float',1; 'lStatisticsMeasurements','int32',1; 'nStatisticsSaveStrategy','int16',1; 'fADCRange','float',1; 'fDACRange','float',1; 'lADCResolution','int32',1; 'lDACResolution','int32',1; 'nExperimentType','int16',1; 'nManualInfoStrategy','int16',1; 'nCommentsEnable','int16',1; 'lFileCommentIndex','int32',1; 'nAutoAnalyseEnable','int16',1; 'nSignalType','int16',1; 'nDigitalEnable','int16',1; 'nActiveDACChannel','int16',1; 'nDigitalHolding','int16',1; 'nDigitalInterEpisode','int16',1; 'nDigitalDACChannel','int16',1; 'nDigitalTrainActiveLogic','int16',1; 'nStatsEnable','int16',1; 'nStatisticsClearStrategy','int16',1; 'nLevelHysteresis','int16',1; 'lTimeHysteresis','int32',1; 'nAllowExternalTags','int16',1; 'nAverageAlgorithm','int16',1; 'fAverageWeighting','float',1; 'nUndoPromptStrategy','int16',1; 'nTrialTriggerSource','int16',1; 'nStatisticsDisplayStrategy','int16',1; 'nExternalTagType','int16',1; 'nScopeTriggerOut','int16',1; 'nLTPType','int16',1; 'nAlternateDACOutputState','int16',1; 'nAlternateDigitalOutputState','int16',1; 'fCellID','float',3; 'nDigitizerADCs','int16',1; 'nDigitizerDACs','int16',1; 'nDigitizerTotalDigitalOuts','int16',1; 'nDigitizerSynchDigitalOuts','int16',1; 'nDigitizerType','int16',1; }; function ADCInfo=define_ADCInfo ADCInfo={ 'nADCNum','int16',1; 'nTelegraphEnable','int16',1; 'nTelegraphInstrument','int16',1; 'fTelegraphAdditGain','float',1; 'fTelegraphFilter','float',1; 'fTelegraphMembraneCap','float',1; 'nTelegraphMode','int16',1; 'fTelegraphAccessResistance','float',1; 'nADCPtoLChannelMap','int16',1; 'nADCSamplingSeq','int16',1; 'fADCProgrammableGain','float',1; 'fADCDisplayAmplification','float',1; 'fADCDisplayOffset','float',1; 'fInstrumentScaleFactor','float',1; 'fInstrumentOffset','float',1; 'fSignalGain','float',1; 'fSignalOffset','float',1; 'fSignalLowpassFilter','float',1; 'fSignalHighpassFilter','float',1; 'nLowpassFilterType','char',1; 'nHighpassFilterType','char',1; 'fPostProcessLowpassFilter','float',1; 'nPostProcessLowpassFilterType','char',1; 'bEnabledDuringPN','bit1',1; 'nStatsChannelPolarity','int16',1; 'lADCChannelNameIndex','int32',1; 'lADCUnitsIndex','int32',1; }; function TagInfo=define_TagInfo TagInfo={ 'lTagTime','int32',1; 'sComment','char',56; 'nTagType','int16',1; 'nVoiceTagNumber_or_AnnotationIndex','int16',1; }; function Section=ReadSection(fid,offset,Format) s=cell2struct(Format,{'name','numType','number'},2); fseek(fid,offset,'bof'); for i=1:length(s) eval(['[Section.' s(i).name ',n]=fread(fid,' num2str(s(i).number) ',''' s(i).numType ''');']); end function SectionInfo=ReadSectionInfo(fid,offset) fseek(fid,offset,'bof'); SectionInfo.uBlockIndex=fread(fid,1,'uint32'); fseek(fid,offset+4,'bof'); SectionInfo.uBytes=fread(fid,1,'uint32'); fseek(fid,offset+8,'bof'); SectionInfo.llNumEntries=fread(fid,1,'int64'); function pvpmod(x) % PVPMOD - evaluate parameter/value pairs % pvpmod(x) assigns the value x(i+1) to the parameter defined by the % string x(i) in the calling workspace. This is useful to evaluate % contents in an mfile, e.g. to change default settings % of any variable initialized before pvpmod(x) is called. % % (c) U. Egert 1998 % this loop is assigns the parameter/value pairs in x to the calling % workspace. if ~isempty(x) for i = 1:2:size(x,2) assignin('caller', x{i}, x{i+1}); end; end; % % struct ABF_FileInfo % { % UINT uFileSignature; % UINT uFileVersionNumber; % % // After this point there is no need to be the same as the ABF 1 equivalent. % UINT uFileInfoSize; % % UINT uActualEpisodes; % UINT uFileStartDate; % UINT uFileStartTimeMS; % UINT uStopwatchTime; % short nFileType; % short nDataFormat; % short nSimultaneousScan; % short nCRCEnable; % UINT uFileCRC; % GUID FileGUID; % UINT uCreatorVersion; % UINT uCreatorNameIndex; % UINT uModifierVersion; % UINT uModifierNameIndex; % UINT uProtocolPathIndex; % % // New sections in ABF 2 - protocol stuff ... % ABF_Section ProtocolSection; // the protocol % ABF_Section ADCSection; // one for each ADC channel % ABF_Section DACSection; // one for each DAC channel % ABF_Section EpochSection; // one for each epoch % ABF_Section ADCPerDACSection; // one for each ADC for each DAC % ABF_Section EpochPerDACSection; // one for each epoch for each DAC % ABF_Section UserListSection; // one for each user list % ABF_Section StatsRegionSection; // one for each stats region % ABF_Section MathSection; % ABF_Section StringsSection; % % // ABF 1 sections ... % ABF_Section DataSection; // Data % ABF_Section TagSection; // Tags % ABF_Section ScopeSection; // Scope config % ABF_Section DeltaSection; // Deltas % ABF_Section VoiceTagSection; // Voice Tags % ABF_Section SynchArraySection; // Synch Array % ABF_Section AnnotationSection; // Annotations % ABF_Section StatsSection; // Stats config % % char sUnused[148]; // size = 512 bytes % % ABF_FileInfo() % { % MEMSET_CTOR; % STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof( ABF_FileInfo ) == 512 ); % % uFileSignature = ABF_FILESIGNATURE; % uFileInfoSize = sizeof( ABF_FileInfo); % } % % }; % % struct ABF_ProtocolInfo % { % short nOperationMode; % float fADCSequenceInterval; % bool bEnableFileCompression; % char sUnused1[3]; % UINT uFileCompressionRatio; % % float fSynchTimeUnit; % float fSecondsPerRun; % long lNumSamplesPerEpisode; % long lPreTriggerSamples; % long lEpisodesPerRun; % long lRunsPerTrial; % long lNumberOfTrials; % short nAveragingMode; % short nUndoRunCount; % short nFirstEpisodeInRun; % float fTriggerThreshold; % short nTriggerSource; % short nTriggerAction; % short nTriggerPolarity; % float fScopeOutputInterval; % float fEpisodeStartToStart; % float fRunStartToStart; % long lAverageCount; % float fTrialStartToStart; % short nAutoTriggerStrategy; % float fFirstRunDelayS; % % short nChannelStatsStrategy; % long lSamplesPerTrace; % long lStartDisplayNum; % long lFinishDisplayNum; % short nShowPNRawData; % float fStatisticsPeriod; % long lStatisticsMeasurements; % short nStatisticsSaveStrategy; % % float fADCRange; % float fDACRange; % long lADCResolution; % long lDACResolution; % % short nExperimentType; % short nManualInfoStrategy; % short nCommentsEnable; % long lFileCommentIndex; % short nAutoAnalyseEnable; % short nSignalType; % % short nDigitalEnable; % short nActiveDACChannel; % short nDigitalHolding; % short nDigitalInterEpisode; % short nDigitalDACChannel; % short nDigitalTrainActiveLogic; % % short nStatsEnable; % short nStatisticsClearStrategy; % % short nLevelHysteresis; % long lTimeHysteresis; % short nAllowExternalTags; % short nAverageAlgorithm; % float fAverageWeighting; % short nUndoPromptStrategy; % short nTrialTriggerSource; % short nStatisticsDisplayStrategy; % short nExternalTagType; % short nScopeTriggerOut; % % short nLTPType; % short nAlternateDACOutputState; % short nAlternateDigitalOutputState; % % float fCellID[3]; % % short nDigitizerADCs; % short nDigitizerDACs; % short nDigitizerTotalDigitalOuts; % short nDigitizerSynchDigitalOuts; % short nDigitizerType; % % char sUnused[304]; // size = 512 bytes % % ABF_ProtocolInfo() % { % MEMSET_CTOR; % STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof( ABF_ProtocolInfo ) == 512 ); % } % }; % % struct ABF_MathInfo % { % short nMathEnable; % short nMathExpression; % UINT uMathOperatorIndex; % UINT uMathUnitsIndex; % float fMathUpperLimit; % float fMathLowerLimit; % short nMathADCNum[2]; % char sUnused[16]; % float fMathK[6]; % % char sUnused2[64]; // size = 128 bytes % % ABF_MathInfo() % { % MEMSET_CTOR; % STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof( ABF_MathInfo ) == 128 ); % } % }; % % struct ABF_ADCInfo % { % // The ADC this struct is describing. % short nADCNum; % % short nTelegraphEnable; % short nTelegraphInstrument; % float fTelegraphAdditGain; % float fTelegraphFilter; % float fTelegraphMembraneCap; % short nTelegraphMode; % float fTelegraphAccessResistance; % % short nADCPtoLChannelMap; % short nADCSamplingSeq; % % float fADCProgrammableGain; % float fADCDisplayAmplification; % float fADCDisplayOffset; % float fInstrumentScaleFactor; % float fInstrumentOffset; % float fSignalGain; % float fSignalOffset; % float fSignalLowpassFilter; % float fSignalHighpassFilter; % % char nLowpassFilterType; % char nHighpassFilterType; % float fPostProcessLowpassFilter; % char nPostProcessLowpassFilterType; % bool bEnabledDuringPN; % % short nStatsChannelPolarity; % % long lADCChannelNameIndex; % long lADCUnitsIndex; % % char sUnused[46]; // size = 128 bytes % % ABF_ADCInfo() % { % MEMSET_CTOR; % STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof( ABF_ADCInfo ) == 128 ); % } % }; % % struct ABF_DACInfo % { % // The DAC this struct is describing. % short nDACNum; % % short nTelegraphDACScaleFactorEnable; % float fInstrumentHoldingLevel; % % float fDACScaleFactor; % float fDACHoldingLevel; % float fDACCalibrationFactor; % float fDACCalibrationOffset; % % long lDACChannelNameIndex; % long lDACChannelUnitsIndex; % % long lDACFilePtr; % long lDACFileNumEpisodes; % % short nWaveformEnable; % short nWaveformSource; % short nInterEpisodeLevel; % % float fDACFileScale; % float fDACFileOffset; % long lDACFileEpisodeNum; % short nDACFileADCNum; % % short nConditEnable; % long lConditNumPulses; % float fBaselineDuration; % float fBaselineLevel; % float fStepDuration; % float fStepLevel; % float fPostTrainPeriod; % float fPostTrainLevel; % short nMembTestEnable; % % short nLeakSubtractType; % short nPNPolarity; % float fPNHoldingLevel; % short nPNNumADCChannels; % short nPNPosition; % short nPNNumPulses; % float fPNSettlingTime; % float fPNInterpulse; % % short nLTPUsageOfDAC; % short nLTPPresynapticPulses; % % long lDACFilePathIndex; % % float fMembTestPreSettlingTimeMS; % float fMembTestPostSettlingTimeMS; % % short nLeakSubtractADCIndex; % % char sUnused[124]; // size = 256 bytes % % ABF_DACInfo() % { % MEMSET_CTOR; % STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof( ABF_DACInfo ) == 256 ); % } % }; % % struct ABF_EpochInfoPerDAC % { % // The Epoch / DAC this struct is describing. % short nEpochNum; % short nDACNum; % % // One full set of epochs (ABF_EPOCHCOUNT) for each DAC channel ... % short nEpochType; % float fEpochInitLevel; % float fEpochLevelInc; % long lEpochInitDuration; % long lEpochDurationInc; % long lEpochPulsePeriod; % long lEpochPulseWidth; % % char sUnused[18]; // size = 48 bytes % % ABF_EpochInfoPerDAC() % { % MEMSET_CTOR; % STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof( ABF_EpochInfoPerDAC ) == 48 ); % } % }; % % struct ABF_EpochInfo % { % // The Epoch this struct is describing. % short nEpochNum; % % // Describes one epoch % short nDigitalValue; % short nDigitalTrainValue; % short nAlternateDigitalValue; % short nAlternateDigitalTrainValue; % bool bEpochCompression; // Compress the data from this epoch using uFileCompressionRatio % % char sUnused[21]; // size = 32 bytes % % ABF_EpochInfo() % { % MEMSET_CTOR; % STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof( ABF_EpochInfo ) == 32 ); % } % }; % % struct ABF_StatsRegionInfo % { % // The stats region this struct is describing. % short nRegionNum; % short nADCNum; % % short nStatsActiveChannels; % short nStatsSearchRegionFlags; % short nStatsSelectedRegion; % short nStatsSmoothing; % short nStatsSmoothingEnable; % short nStatsBaseline; % long lStatsBaselineStart; % long lStatsBaselineEnd; % % // Describes one stats region % long lStatsMeasurements; % long lStatsStart; % long lStatsEnd; % short nRiseBottomPercentile; % short nRiseTopPercentile; % short nDecayBottomPercentile; % short nDecayTopPercentile; % short nStatsSearchMode; % short nStatsSearchDAC; % short nStatsBaselineDAC; % % char sUnused[78]; // size = 128 bytes % % ABF_StatsRegionInfo() % { % MEMSET_CTOR; % STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof( ABF_StatsRegionInfo ) == 128 ); % } % }; % % struct ABF_UserListInfo % { % // The user list this struct is describing. % short nListNum; % % // Describes one user list % short nULEnable; % short nULParamToVary; % short nULRepeat; % long lULParamValueListIndex; % % char sUnused[52]; // size = 64 bytes % % ABF_UserListInfo() % { % MEMSET_CTOR; % STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof( ABF_UserListInfo ) == 64 ); % } % };*/=