Jones, H. S., Towse, J. N., Race, N., and Harrison, T. Email fraud: The search for psychological predictors of susceptibility PLOS One Data variables and explanations (File name=) EmailTaskData_PLOSOne Across all variables - a score of -999 signifies a missing value Participant Unique number allocated to participant Age Age in years for each participant Gender 1 = Male 2 = Female Time pressure 1 = Time pressure 2 = No time pressure No Correct Number of emails correctly identified Phishing correct Number of phishing email stimuli correctly identified Legitimate correct Number of legitimate email stimuli correctly identified Hit Rate Proportion of phishing emails correctly identified as phishing False Alarm Proportion of legitimate emails incorrectly labelled as phishing D-Prime D-prime score calculated for signal detection analysis Beta Beta criterion calculated for signal detection analysis AUCEstimate Area under the curve statistic based on scale response (data can be found in ‘Email Response Data’) Participants with score below .5 were subsequently removed from analysis Score of -999 given to degenerate scores (File name=) Email Response Data Participant Unique number allocated to participant 1Legit Participant scale response (1=definitely phishing to 6=definitely legitimate) made to email number 1 - a legitimate email 2Phish Participant scale response (1=definitely phishing to 6=definitely legitimate) made to email number 2 - a phishing email Subsequent columns labelled with email number and type (phish or legit) (File name=) Set 1 Cognitive Tasks Across all variables - a score of -999 signifies a missing value Participant Unique number allocated to participant Age Age in years for each participant Gender 1 = Male 2 = Female Time pressure 1 = Time pressure 2 = No time pressure CRT Score Score (max=3) for number of correct responses given to the 3 CRT questions IPIP Score Total score across five factors of personality measured by the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) Extraversion Participant score on IPIP questions relating to extraversion Agreeableness Participant score on IPIP questions relating to agreeableness Conscientiousness Participant score on IPIP questions relating to conscientiousness Neuroticism Participant score on IPIP questions relating to neuroticism Intellect Participant score on IPIP questions relating to intellect Flanker Score Mean difference between (correct) response time on congruent and incongruent trials Need for Closure Score on the Brief Need for Closure scale D-Prime D-prime score calculated for signal detection analysis AUCEstimate Area under the curve statistic based on scale response (data can be found in ‘Email Response Data’) Participants with score below .5 were subsequently removed from analysis Score of -999 given to degenerate scores (File name=) Set 2 Cognitive Tasks Across all variables - a score of -999 signifies a missing value Participant Unique number allocated to participant Age Age in years for each participant Gender 1 = Male 2 = Female Time pressure 1 = Time pressure 2 = No time pressure SCScore Score on the Brief Self-Control Scale SSScore Score on the Brief Sensation-Seeking Scale Stroop Score Mean difference between (correct) response time on congruent and incongruent trials Reading Span Reading span score calculated based on highest sequence of sentence-end words correctly recalled D-Prime D-prime score calculated for signal detection analysis AUCEstimate Area under the curve statistic based on scale response (data can be found in ‘Email Response Data’) Participants with score below .5 were subsequently removed from analysis Score of -999 given to degenerate scores