This dataset contains the data plotted in the main text and the supplemental information of "Radiative toroidal dipole and anapole excitations in collectively responding arrays of atoms" fig3.csv contains the data plotted in Fig. 3 of the main text. The first column is a list of the values of \Delta, in units of \gamma, for both Fig. 3(a) and (b). The second and third columns contain the decomposition of the atomic dipoles in toroidal dipole and electric dipole modes respectively, as plotted in (a). The fourth and fifth column contain the multipole decompossition of the far-field radiation into total dipole, and all other contributions, respectively, as plotted in (b). Units as given in manuscript. fig4abd.csv contains the data plotted in Fig. 4 (a) (b) and (d) of the main text. The first column is a list of the values of \Delta, in units of \gamma. The second and third columns contain the decomposition of the atomic dipoles in toroidal dipole and electric dipole modes respectively, as plotted in (a). The fourth and fifth column contain the multipole decompossition of the far-field radiation into total dipole, and all other contributions, respectively, as plotted in (b). Units as given in manuscript. The sixth column lists the corresponding far-field transmission through the array as plotted in (d). fig4c.csv contains the data plotted in Fig. 4(c) of the main text. The first column is a list of the lattice spacings d, in units of \lambda. The second column is the corresponding linewidth \gamma_i, in units of \gamma, of the collective eigenmode which best matches a uniform repitition of the toroidal dipole polarization on each unit cell. fig5.csv contains the data plotted in Fig. 5 of the main text. The first column lists the detunings \Delta, in units of \gamma, which are common to (a) and (b). The second through fourth columns list the corresponding toridal dipole, electric dipole, and total dipole contributions to the multipole decomposition of the atomic dipoles respectively. The fifth through seventh columns list the corresponding total power of the far-field scattered light, the decomposition of that power into the total dipole component, and the contributions of all other components respectively. figS1a.csv contains the data plotted in Fig. S1 (a) of the supplemental materials. The first column contains the linewidths \gamma_i of all modes in units of \gamma. The second contains the corresponding overlap of the same mode with the ideal toroidal dipole mode with poloidal polarization on each atom. figS1b.csv contains the data plotted in Fig. S1 (b) of the supplemental materials. The first column lists the detunings \Delta, in units of \gamma. The second column gives the corresponding occupation of the mode which best approximates the ideal toroidal dipole, at that detuning, for the steady state solution. The third column gives the occupation of all other modes. figS2.csv contains the data plotted in Fig. S2 of the supplemental materials. The first column gives the distance \rho from the central axis in units of the wavelength \lambda. The second gives the norm of the longitudinal x component of electric field and the third gives the radial component, for the focal plane of a lens with NA=0.7. figS3ab.csv contains the data plotted in Fig. S3 (a), (b) of the supplemental materials. The first column is a list of the values of \Delta, in units of \gamma, for both Fig. S3(a) and (b). The second and third columns contain the decomposition of the atomic dipoles in toroidal dipole and electric dipole modes respectively, as plotted in (a). The fourth and fifth column contain the multipole decompossition of the far-field radiation into total dipole, and all other contributions, respectively, as plotted in (b). Units as given in manuscript. figS3cd.csv contains the data plotted in Fig. 3 (B), (d) of the main text. The first column lists the detunings \Delta, in units of \gamma, which are common to (c) and (d). The second through fourth columns list the corresponding toridal dipole, electric dipole, and total dipole contributions to the multipole decomposition of the atomic dipoles respectively. The fifth through seventh columns list the corresponding total power of the far-field scattered light, the decomposition of that power into the total dipole component, and the contributions of all other components respectively.