fig1.csv contains the data from Fig. 1. The first column is the x-axis, d\/lambda. The second column is the collective line shift \delta_P, the second is \delta_I, the third is the collective linewidth \upsilon_P, the fourth is \upsilon_I, all in units of \gamma. fig2.csv contaings the data from Fig. 2. The first column is the x-axis, \Delta_0/\gamma. The second column contains the reflectance for the parameters shown in Fig. 2(a). The third column contains the reflectance for the parameters shown in Fig. 2(b). fig3a.csv contains the data from Fig. 3(a). The first column is the time t\gamma. The remaining columns give the survival probability P for different values of \bar{delta} as given in the legend. Note the data plotted is multiplied by \exp{0.83 t}. This data is also used in Supplementary Fig. S1. fig3b.csv contains the data from Fig. 3(b). The first column is irregularly spaced detunings \bar{delta}/\gamma. The second column gives the extracted parameters \alpha and the third gives \Omega. fig4a.csv contains the data from Fig. 4(a). This is a 100x100 2d array giving the value of |t+r|^2 on a regular grid with \bar{delta}/\gamma taking values from 0 to 1.25 in steps of 0.0125 and \tilde{\delta}/\gamma taking values from -1.2 to 1.2 in steps of 0.024 fig5a.csv and fig5b.csv contains the data from Fig. 5. Each are a 667x167 2d array giving the respective values on a regular grid with x/\lambda taking values from -200/(2 pi) to 200/(2 pi) in steps of 0.6/(2 pi) and y/lambda taking values from -50/(2 pi) to 50/(2 pi) in steps of 0.6/(2 pi) fig6a.csv and fig6b.csv contains the data from Fig. 6. Each are a 171x126 2d array giving the respective values on a regular grid with \bar{\delta}/\gamma taking values from 0 to 2.5 in steps of 0.02 and \tilde{\delta}/\gamma taking values from -1.71 to 1.71 in steps of 0.02 figS2.csv contains the data from Fig. S2. This is a 101x101 2d array giving the value of |r|^2 on a regular grid with \bar{delta}/\gamma taking values from 0 to 1.1 in steps of 0.011and \tilde{\delta}/\gamma taking values from -1.05 to 1.05 in steps of 0.021