File name - IRD1 and IRD2 Inhibition effect - File contains data for the 3 trial types. participant group and also values for the inhibition effect and facilittion effect for both experiments Code- TT= target to target trial type TN= target to new location trial type TD= target to distractor trial type Inhibition effect= TD-TN values Faciliation effect= TN-TT Group codes = Alzheimer's groups (AD), Mild cognitive impairment group (MCI), European participants (EP), Older South Asian participants (OSP) and young adults (YC) Files - IRD1 cogntive assessment.sav, IRD2 cognitive assessment.sav - data for the cogntive assessments for both experiments code- digitF = digit span forwards score digitB= digit span backwards score digitT = digit span total score spatialF= spatial span forwards score spatialB= spatial span backwards score spatialT= saptial span total score Group codes = Alzheimer's groups (AD), Mild cognitive impairment group (MCI), European participants (EP), Older South Asian participants (OSP) and young adults (YC) Files - IRD1.R, IRD1.R - files containing eye tracking data for each experiement for the 3 trial types Code- TT= target to target trial type TN= target to new location trial type TD= target to distractor trial type TD_TN= Inhibition effect TN_TT= Faciliation effect Group codes = Alzheimer's groups (AD), Mild cognitive impairment group (MCI), European participants (EP), Older South Asian participants (OSP) and young adults (YC) R analysis code provided in separate note file.