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Current Postgraduate Research Students

Stanley Blue supervises 3 postgraduate research students. If these students have produced research profiles, these are listed below:

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Dr Stanley Blue

Senior Lecturer

Stanley Blue

Bowland North



Tel: +44 1524 595113

PhD supervision

I would be happy to work with students whose projects relate to my research interests, including work on theories of practice, time, space, rhythm, materiality, embodiment, habit, consumption, demand, mobility, energy, travel, and public health, smoking, obesity, and exercise.

Web Links

Personal Website | Google Scholar | Research Gate| LinkedIn

You can find out more about my work and links to papers and other resources on my personal website.

You can follow my research on the other links.


Current roles include:

Current teaching includes:

  • SOCL101: 'The Sociological Imagination' -  I teach an introductory block on ‘Consumption’;
  • SOCL955: 'Practice Theory' - I co-convene this course which is also open to students and early career researchers outside of Lancaster.

Department role:

  • From 2024, I'm working as Deputy Head of the Sociology Department.

Office Hours:

  • Please just email me to find a time that works for us both.

Current Research

For details on current and past research projects, links to publications, and talks; media articles, press, and videos; engagement, impact, and more - please see my Personal Website.

Additional Information

Academic collaborations include:

Co-Director, Centre for Practice Theory at Lancaster (2021-present);

Co-I, Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions (2018-2023);

Research Fellow, DEMAND Centre, Lancaster University (2015-2017);

Affiliated with the Norah Fry Institute at the University of Bristol (2015-2017);

Visiting Fellow, Centre for Urban Research, RMIT, Melbourne (Oct-Dec 2016);

Member of the Sustainable Consumption Institute at the University of Manchester (2013-2015).

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