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Bell-Inequality Violation with a Triggered Photon-Pair Source

Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  • R. J. Young
  • R. M. Stevenson
  • A. J. Hudson
  • C. A. Nicoll
  • D. A. Ritchie
  • A. J. Shields
Article number030406
<mark>Journal publication date</mark>23/01/2009
<mark>Journal</mark>Physical review letters
Issue number3
Number of pages4
Pages (from-to)-
Publication StatusPublished
<mark>Original language</mark>English


Here we demonstrate, for the first time, violation of Bell's inequality using a triggered quantum dot photon-pair source without post-selection. Furthermore, the fidelity to the expected Bell state is increased above 90% using temporal gating to reject photons emitted at times when collection of uncorrelated light is more probable. A direct measurement of a CHSH Bell inequality is made showing a clear violation, highlighting that a quantum dot entangled photon source is suitable for communication exploiting nonlocal quantum correlations.