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Visualization of criminal careers

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNChapter (peer-reviewed)

Publication date28/02/2000
Host publicationVisual Data Exploration and Analysis VII
EditorsRobert F. Erbacher, Philip C. Chen, Jonathan C. Roberts, Craig M. Wittenbrink
Number of pages10
ISBN (print)9780819435781
<mark>Original language</mark>English


This paper examines the issues in visualising an individual criminal careers, considering the problem as a particular example of an event history. The event history is displayed as a pencil-like multi-faceted object in two or three-dimensional space, with changes of state being represented by changes in colour, texture or height. The extension of these ideas to viewing many criminal histories is then described. The Lexis diagram provides a suitable paradigm and is used to position the pencils in space. The resulting graphical representation is closely related to the ideas of Bertin.