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School Of Mathematical Sciences

Contact information

Type of addressPostal address
StreetLancaster University
BuildingFylde College
Postal codeLA1 4YF
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
  • Phone: +44 (0) 1524 593960
  • Fax: +44 (0) 1524 592681

Organisation profile

Lancaster is one of the UK's top departments for research in mathematics and statistics.

Pure Mathematics

The principal research activity in pure mathematics at Lancaster over the last 20 years has concerned mathematical analysis and a strong international reputation has been established in this field. During the last five years, an algebra and geometry group of similar strength has been created as new posts have been filled. In addition, a group at the interface between algebra, analysis and combinatorics study geometric rigidity theory.

We also have links with researchers across the UK and internationally, through research networks such as QOP, NBFAS and ARTIN, as well as more informal connections and collaborations.


Research in statistics at Lancaster is focussed at the interface of methodology and application. This stems from a philosophy that strong interaction with research users is imperative for the developing new statistical ideas that are of practical importance. This philosophy has led to research that has substantive influence on the discipline of statistics, for example over 10 RSS read papers in the past two decades, as well as considerable impact on other scientific disciplines, government bodies and industry.

Our research is divided into five main research areas, each with its own range of activities.  We also have active links with the operational research group based in the Department of Management Science - including co-running of the STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training - and the CHICAS group from the Medical School.

We have strategic links with Science for Innovation in Norway and the Naval Postgraduate School in the US, the University of Washington and Northwestern University, as well as a range of collaborators from other scientific disciplines and from industry.

Lancaster has a strong tradition of collaborative research with end-users and a track record of research that has led to impact. Examples of impact from our research include

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