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AJOLI: Autism Joint Local Initiative in Northern Uganda

Project: Research


An international project between Lancaster University, Global Health Uganda, and Women and Children Agenda. The project has been funded by Joy Welch Fund for 12 months and the aims are to:
1. Work with stakeholders in three representative districts in Northern Uganda (Gulu city, Amuru and Pader) to develop culturally-sensitive understandings of autism and community needs using a qualitative methodology.
2. Use participatory methods, to develop accessible resources to explain about autism and address sociocultural misconceptions.
3. Map likely autism prevalence among communities using a brief, low-cost, culturally-sensitive autism screener across three sites
to increase policy justification at a regional level for wider autism support.

Layperson's description

We aim to understand more about what autism means in Northern Uganda and develop resources to help people identify and better support autistic children and young people.
Effective start/end date2/04/2431/03/25