Home Office
Activity: Business or School/HEI Engagement › Business Engagement
Research Analyst - Home Office Internship
This was a 6 months ERSC internship in the Crime Patterns team which is part of the Crime and Policing Analysis Unit, Home Office Science. The Unit is made up of a
mix of social researchers, operational researchers and economists. They provide a range of
analytical support to the Home Office’s Crime and Policing Group, undertaking a mixture of
longer term research projects and short term reactive work.
My priority project within this post was to estimate the number of new opiate and crack drug users each year from the most recent treatment data using lag correction techniques.
Other tasks I was involved with included; quantitative analysis of crime data, collating evidence for recent crime trends, investigating factors that influence police recorded crime, contributing to monthly monitoring reports which were presented to CPG boards and ministers, and quick-fire evidence gathering on policy-relevant topics.