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IMechE Event: Hydropower goes Marine

Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in workshop, seminar, course


Speaker: Professor George A. Aggidis Because of the intimate relationship between HT and applications it is not surprising that advances in the technical capabilities of HT have followed the developing needs of the users’ processes. Increased working temperatures, pressures and resistance to corrosion are examples of how changes to the applications have driven HT technology. So are the requirements for simpler on-site maintenance, longer working lives, increased performance envelopes, increased efficiencies - triple regulation, reduced specialisation and particularly lower costs, which have all been driven by the need to meet users’ needs in a competitive environment. HT as power take off options for marine energy extend the current applications envelope with innovative marinised solutions assisting emerging clean renewable energy sources.

Event (Seminar)

TitleIMechE Event: Hydropower goes Marine
Date15/02/17 → …
LocationLancaster University
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Degree of recognitionLocal event