Narratives for Policy and Risk
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
A one day symposium exploring the value of narrative in collaborative and interdisciplinary anticipation and futures research. Co-organised and convened by DSTL, the Institute for Social Futures, Lancaster University, and the University of Bristol, this workshop was organised to bridge the academic, policy, and practice worlds. Aims:
• To bring together academic and government/practice stakeholders using narrative and creative practice in their anticipatory/futures thinking/work.
• To bring together academic and government/practice stakeholders to explore best practice in this collaborative process.
• To explore assumptions, expectations, and modes of communication between/across academic, policy, and practice worlds.
• To design a creative futures exercise to be run with international delegates at the next Global Strategic Trends Conference.
• To allow space and opportunity for conversation, collaboration, and ideas.
Title | Narratives for Policy and Risk |
Date | 25/09/19 → 25/09/19 |
Location | University of Bristol |
City | Bristol |
Country/Territory | United Kingdom |
Degree of recognition | National event |