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North Wales Young Researchers Conference and Science Communication Competition

Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in conference -Mixed Audience


The North Wales Young Researchers Conference (NWYRC) is a STEM communication competition launched in the academic year 2023/24 aimed at AS and A-level students across North Wales, supported by The Seren Network, Bangor City Council and Lancaster University. Based on actual research conferences, NWYRC consists of a theme, an abstract round and a conference event where finalists will present their topic. The best communicated ideas won financial prizes which are sponsored by industry. The conference event was open to the public and the students presented their innovative ideas on the topic "technology of the future" alongside industry and academic professionals presenting on cutting edge research, all to the general public.

Event (Conference)

TitleNorth Wales Young Researchers Conference and Science Communication Competition
Abbreviated titleNWYRC
Date9/03/24 → …