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L. (Mundinia) sp. Namibia: Functional Annotations


  • Hatim AlmutairiMinistry of Health (Creator)
  • Derek Gatherer (Supervisor)


We annotated the assemblies using the MAKER2 annotation pipeline (version 2.31.10) over two rounds: 1) an evidence-based annotation round using EST, mRNA-seq and protein homology evidence from TriTrypDB (release-47) along with our repeat-masking output. The second round is an ab initio round using AUGUSTUS, with the pre-trained Leishmania tarentolae as the model organism. After completion of all annotation rounds, we assigned functional annotations from the Uniprot and Pfam databases using blast+ and InterProScan.
Date made available2021
PublisherLancaster University
Date of data production2021

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