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MicroBooNE BNB Inclusive Overlay Sample (No Wire Info)


  • Polina Abratenko (Creator)
  • Diego Andrade Aldana (Creator)
  • Jack Anthony (Creator)
  • Luciano Arellano (Creator)
  • Jonathan Asaadi (Creator)
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  • Lauren Yates (Creator)
  • Haiwang Yu (Creator)
  • Sam Zeller (Creator)
  • Joseph Zennamo (Creator)
  • Chao Zhang (Creator)


MicroBooNE samples are provided for collaborative development in two different formats: HDF5, targeting the broadest audience, and artroot, targeting users that are familiar with the software infrastructure of Fermilab neutrino experiments and more in general of HEP experiments. The HDF5 files are stored on Zenodo, together with a list of artroot files accessible with xrootd. This sample includes simulated interactions of neutrinos from the Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB), overlaid on top of cosmic ray data. The sample is inclusive, i.e. it includes all types of neutrinos and interactions, with relative abundance matching our nominal flux and cross section models. Interactions are simulated in in the whole cryostat volume. The HDF5 files in this sample do not include the information at the wire waveform level ("NoWire" label), allowing for larger number of events to be included in the data set. More documentation, including detailed description of content, recipes, and example usage, at https://github.com/uboone/OpenSamples. Suggested text for acknowledgment is the following: We acknowledge the MicroBooNE Collaboration for making publicly available the data sets [data set DOIs] employed in this work. These data sets consist of simulated neutrino interactions from the Booster Neutrino Beamline overlaid on top of cosmic data collected with the MicroBooNE detector [2017 JINST 12 P02017]. In addition, we request that software products resulting from the usage of the datasets are also made publicly available.
Date made available26/09/2023

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