Home > Research > Physics > Prizes
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  1. Research Impact Award

    Bernardo Gavito, Ramon (Recipient), Jarvis, Samuel (Recipient), Robinson, Benjamin (Recipient), Robson, Alexander (Recipient), Thompson, Michael (Recipient), Young, Robert (Recipient) & Whitworth, Gillian (Recipient), 18/07/2019

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  2. JUNO Prize for Research Excellence

    Hanks, Laura (Recipient), 2018

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  3. PGTA Prize for Teaching Excellence

    Hanks, Laura (Recipient), 2016

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  4. PGTA Prize for Teaching Excellence

    Hanks, Laura (Recipient), 2017

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  5. PGTA Teacher

    Wilkes, Ian (Recipient), 1/06/2015

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  6. Institute of Physics

    Wilkes, Ian (Recipient), 30/08/2019

    Prize: Appointment

  7. Royal society of Chemistry Teaching Award

    Wilkes, Ian (Recipient), 15/07/2018

    Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively

  8. FST Scholarship Physics

    Wilkes, Ian (Recipient), 1/08/2014

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  9. Imperfect quantum devices

    Young, Robert (Recipient), 15/03/2017

    Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively

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