To understand the nature of interation of materials with electromagnetic radiation especially in the pressence of magnetic fields. Interested in the manufacture of 2D materials and 2.5 D materials especially using chemical and mechanical processes,
Interested in innovation and exploitation of novel materials.
Whitford Limited: Research Manager: 2011-2014
Manufacture of high technology coatings with applications in aerospace and behond. Speciality in treatment of fluoro polymers to achieve spcific properties and functionality.
Nippon Sheet Glass: Research Scientist 2010-2011
Design of new materials for twisted materials including carbon fibre, glass and other high tensile strength and high temperature composites for reinforced rubber products.
Saint-Gobain: Innovation Project Manager.
Use of advanced measurement techniques to measure crystal growth in micro porous ceramics.
€1M research project over 3 years including 2 university collaborations.
Unilever Research : Scientist
€2M research project on micro fluidics for bio-applications.
UV-visible study of dyes @ nano-second time scale leading to patent and publication.
Innovation award winner- twice 1999 and 2001.
Synthese a Grande Vitesse: Director of Research
Micro fluidic device manufacture including:
Laser processing, 3D printing and surface coating.