I joined the department in 2001, after working in the university's Institute for English Language Education (IELE) for a number of years. I have also held posts in Sierra Leone, Kuwait and Thailand, run courses in many other parts of the world and acted as a consultant to several major ELT development projects. My publications include Interface (Longman), ESP: A Learning-centred Approach, Study Tasks in English (both Cambridge University Press), A Review of Research into Needs for English for Academic Purposes (ETS), two edited volumes of papers and a number of journal articles. I retired in September 2012.
Personal web-pages
Courses previously taught
Foreign language education teaching methods; curriculum design/innovation; teacher learning.
Postgraduate modules:
Undergraduate module:
- Background Issues in Language Teaching (Ling 270)
The design of systems for facilitating foreign language teacher learning, from macro (e.g., programme) to micro (e.g., workshop) level; foreign language teaching materials design; methodology of foreign language teaching; innovation in foreign language teaching; and the impact of applied linguistics on language teaching.