Formerly at Lancaster University
Amelie Kutter is researcher at the Cultural Political Economy Research Centre, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University. As a member of the Great Transformations project she is working on management and discourses of the current financial and economic crisis in the Eurozone, UK, US, and Germany. She holds a PhD (European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Odra) and a MA (Diplom, Free University Berlin) in political science and cultural studies. She has lectured, researched and published on the financial crisis, European integration, postsocialist transformation, and transnational political communication at Lancaster University, FU Berlin, EUV, TU Dresden, CERI/Sciences Po. She specialises in discourse studies and methods of textual analysis.
Research fields (see also publications and presentations below):
Major events:
Kutter, A. (forthcoming) Polity-Construction. Discourse and Legitimation in the European Union.
Kutter, A. and Trappmann, V. (eds) (2006) Das Erbe des Beitritts: Europäisierung in Mittel- und Osteuropa [The legacy of accession: Europeanisation in Central and Eastern Europe].Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Journal articles
Kutter, A. (forthcoming) A Model to the World? Polity-Construction During the EU Constitutional Debate in Poland and France, accepted for publication in Journal of Language and Politics, for a special issue on "Discourse Analysis and the EU's Borders" edited by Caterina Carta and Ruth Wodak.
Kutter, A. (forthcoming) Others Are to Blame. Crisis Narratives in the Financial Press, prepared for a special section in Critical Policy Studies edited by Frank Fischer and Peter Feindt
Kutter, A. (forthcoming) After Crisis: State Redux? Legitimations of Economic Order in the German Financial Press, prepared for Critical Discourse Studies
Kantner, C., Kutter, A. and Renfordt, S. (in print) The Perception of the EU as an Emerging Security Actor in Media Debates on Humanitarian and Military Interventions, European Journal of International Relations.
Kutter, A. and Trappmann, V. (2010) Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe: the ambivalent legacy of accession, Acta Politica, 45(1), 41-69.
Book chapters
Kutter, A. (2013, in print) Zur Analyse von Krisendiskursen. Korpusgestützte Explorationen der nordatlantischen Finanzkrise aus politisch-ökonomischer Perspektive [Crisis Discourse Analysis. A Political-Economic Perspective on Corpus-Based Explorations of the North-Atlantic Financial Crisis]. In: M. Wengeler and A. Ziem (eds) Sprachliche Konstruktionen sozial- und wirtschaftspolitischer „Krisen" in der BRD. Bremen: Hempen.
Heinrich, M. and Kutter, A. (2013, in print) A Critical Juncture in EU Integration? The Eurozone Crisis and its Management 2010-2012. In: F. E. Panizza and G. Philip (eds) The Politics of Financial Crisis. Comparative Perspectives. London: Routledge.
Kutter, A. and Nonhoff, M. (2013, in print) Legitimation. In: J. Angermüller, M. Nonhoff, M. Reisigl, et al. (eds) Wörterbuch interdisziplinäre Diskursforschung. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.
Kutter, A. and Nonhoff, M. (2013, in print) Politischer Diskurs. In: J. Angermüller, M. Nonhoff, M. Reisigl, et al. (eds) Wörterbuch interdisziplinäre Diskursforschung. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp
Kutter, A. (forthcoming) (De-)Constructing the EU as a Civilising Power: CFSP/CSDP and the Constitutional Debate in Poland and France. In: C. Carta and J.-F. Morin (eds) Applying discourse analysis to the EU: theoretical and methodological challenges. Adlershot: Ashgate.
Kutter, A. (2013) Totgesagte leben länger: die Fortschreibung ökonomischer Ordnung in der Finanzpresse [Their death was prematurely reported: imaginations of economic formation in the financial press]. In: J. Maeße (ed) Ökonomie, Diskurs, Regierung: Interdiszplinäre Perspektiven. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 95-120
Kolb, P., Kutter, A., Kantner, C., et al. (2009) Computer- und korpuslinguistische Verfahren für die Analyse massenmedialer politischer Kommunikation: Humanitäre und militärische Interventionen im Spiegel der Presse [Computer-aided Methods and the Analysis of Political Communication: Humanitarian and Military Interventions in the Mass Media]. In: W. Hoeppner (ed) Technischer Bericht Nr. 2009-01. GSCL-Symposium Sprachtechnologie und eHumanities. Duisburg: Universität Duisburg-Essen, 62-71.
Kutter, A. (2008) Horizonterweiterung? Die Analyse der EU-Osterweiterung in den Internationalen Beziehungen [Expanding the EU, Expanding Horizons? International Relations and the Analysis of EU Expansion] In: A. Brand and S. Robel (eds) Internationale Beziehungen - Aktuelle Forschungsfelder, Wissensorganisation und Berufsorientierung. Dresden: TUD, 367-399.
Kutter, A. and Trappmann, V. (2008) L'héritage de l'adhésion: européanisation des politiques de représentation des intérêts en Europe centrale et orientale. In: F. Bafoil and T. Beichelt (eds) L'européanisation d'Ouest en Est. Paris: L'Harmattan, 365-399.
Kutter, A. (2007) Petitioner or Partner? Constructions of European Integration in Polish Print Media Debates on the EU Constitutional Treaty. In: N. Fairclough, G. Cortese and P. Ardizzone (eds) Discourse and Social Change. Bern: Peter Lang, 433-457.
Kutter, A. (2006) Unia Europejska jako antagonizm. Strategie dyskursywne w polskiej debacie o przyszłości integracji europejskiej [Constructing the EU as an Antagonism: discursive strategies in the Polish debate on the future of European integration]. In: A. Horolets (ed) Europa w polskich dyskursach. Torun: Adam Marszalek, 101-116.
Kutter, A. and Trappmann, V. (2006) Das Erbe des Beitritts: Zur Analyse von Europäisierungseffekten in mittel- und osteuropäischen Gesellschaften [The legacy of accession: how to analyse repercussions of Europeanisation in Central and Eastern European societies]. In: A. Kutter and V. Trappmann (eds) Das Erbe des Beitritts: Europäisierung in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 13-56.
Trappmann, V. and Kutter, A. (2006) Europäische Sozialpolitik in der erweiterten Europäischen Union [European Social Policy after EU Expansion]. In: M. Witkowski and J. Dlugosz (eds) Perspektiven für Europa - die neue Öffnung? Frankfurt (Main): Peter Lang, 31-53.
Trappmann, V. and Kutter, A. (2005) Die EU und der Strukturwandel in Polen. Die Transformation der polnischen Stahlindustrie unter dem Einfluss des EU-Beitritts [The transformation of Polish steal industry during EU accession preparation]. In: C. Salimi-Asl, E. Wrasse and G. Schuch (eds) Die Transformation nationaler Politik: Europäisierungsprozesse in Mitteleuropa. Berlin: DGAP-Schriften zur internationalen Politik, 277-300.
Recent contributions to working paper series
Kutter, A. (2012) Totgesagte leben länger: die Fortschreibung ökonomischer Ordnung in der Finanzpresse [State Redux? Economic Imaginaries in the German Financial Press 2006-2010] CPERC Working Papers, 2012(3).
Kutter, A. and Kantner, C. (2012) Corpus-Based Content Analysis: a Method for Investigating News Coverage on War and Intervention, International Relations Online Working Paper Series, 2012(01).
Kantner, C., Kutter, A., Hildebrandt, A., et al. (2011) How to Get Rid of the Noise in the Corpus: Cleaning Large Samples of Newspaper Texts, International Relations Online Working Paper Series, 2011(2).
Kantner, C., Kutter, A. and Renfordt, S. (2008) The Perception of the EU as an Emerging Security Actor in Media Debates on Humanitarian and Military Interventions (1990-2006), RECON Online Working Paper, 2008(19), Arena Oslo
(2013) Strategies of Perpetuation. Crisis Narratives in Public Discourse. Presentation to be given at the 11th ESA Conference, University of Torino, 28-31 August
(2013) Advancing the Linguistic Turn in Interpretative Policy Analysis. Presentation given at the 8th IPA, University of Vienna, 3-5 July
(2013) The Invisible Hand of the State. Plausibilization and Common Sense in Crisis Narratives of the Financial Press. Presentation given at the i-mean conference, UWE Bristol, 18-20 April
(2013) Diffusion through Recontextualisation: Democracy Discourse in Debates on EU Reform. Presentation given at the ISA Annual Convention, San Francisco, 3-6 April
(2013) Discourse-Analytical Entry Points to the Political Economy of Crisis and Crisis Management. Presentation given at the Workshop “Post-Positivist Approaches to International Political Economy and Economic Thought”, University of Erfurt, 11-12 January
(2012) The Eurozone Crisis and its Management. DELC Departmental Lecture, Lancaster University, 10 December
(2012) The Eurozone Crisis and German Crisis Management. Presentation given at the KFG Conference "The Financial Crises in comparative regional perspective:Can Europe Learn from other Regions?", FU Berlin, 23-24
(2012) Strategies of Perpetuation. How Financial Journalists Maintain Economic Imaginaries in Times of Crisis. Presentation given at the CPERC Crisis Conference, Morecambe, 1-2 November
(2012) How to Bring the Citizens Closer to the Union: Democracy Discourse and the EU Constitutional Debate. Presentation given at the IPA Annual Conference, University of Tilburg, 5-7 July
(2012) German Model Reloaded? Crisis Narratives in the Financial Press. Presentation given at the IPA Annual Conference, Tilburg University, 5-7 July
(2012) Dynamics of Translation: Europeanisation in Polish and French Media Debates on the EU Constitution. Presentation given at the CEISR European Conference, University of Portsmouth, 28-29 June
(2012) Adjusting Imbalances. Crisis Narratives in the German Financial Press. Presentation to be given by Amelie Kutter at the PSA Conference, Belfast, 3-5 April
(2012) Krisenlektionen in der deutschen Finanzpresse: Korpusanalyse als exploratives Verfahren der Sozialwissenschaft [Crisis lessons in the German financial press: corpus analysis as explorative technique in the social sciences]. Presentation given by Amelie Kutter at the conference 'Sprachliche Konstruktionen sozial- und wirtschaftspolitischer Krisen in der Bundesrepublik von 1973 bis heute', University of Trier, 8 March
(2012) Their death was prematurely reported: imaginaries of socio-economic formation in the German financial press. Presentation given by Amelie Kutter at the Northern International Political Economy network meeting at Lancaster University, 17 February
(2012) "A stabilising factor and model in the world" - the EU's public representation in the realm of foreign policy. Paper given by Amelie Kutter at the workshop 'Speaking Europe Abroad: Institutional Cooperation and the Making of EU's Discourse' at the Institut des Etudes Européennes, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 14-15 February
(2011) Totgesagte leben länger. Die Fortschreibung ökonomischer Ordnung in der deutschen Finanzpresse 2006-2010 [Its death was prematurely reported: the perpetuation of socio-economic formation in the German financial press 2006-2010]. Presentation given by Amelie Kutter at the Workshop 'Ökonomie - Diskurs - Regierung', Mainz University, 11-12 November
(2011) Rückkehr des Staates? Die Legitimation ökonomischer Ordnung in der deutschen Finanzpresse 2006-2010 [State redux: legitimations of socio-economic formation in the German financial press 2006-2010]. Presentation given by Amelie Kutter at the workshop 'Legitimationen der Ökonomie. Ökonomie der Legitimation', Bremen University, 30 September - 1 October
(2011) Legitimation Practices in Multilevel Settings: EU Constitutional Talk Recontextualised. Presentation given by Amelie Kutter at the 6th ECPR General Conference at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik, 25-27 August
(2011) Selectivities in Discourses of Crisis Management. The Example of the German Financial Press 2006-2010. Presentation given by Amelie Kutter at the Interpretative Policy Analysis Conference, University of Cardiff, 25 June
(2011) Un-tripling Crisis: Economic Imaginaries in the German Financial Press. Presentation given by Amelie Kutter at the CPERC Annual Workshop, Lancaster University, 5 May
(2011) Learning in Crisis, Learning from Crisis, Lessons from the Past. Aspects of Policy Learning in the Global Financial Crisis. Presentation given by Bob Jessop, Mathis Heinrich, Joo Hyoung Ji, and Amelie Kutter, at the ECPR Joint Sessions, St Gallen, 13 April
(2011) International Crisis as Engine of Institutionalization? Media Debates on Armed Conflicts and Development of the European Security and Defense Policy (1990-2005). Presentation given by Cathleen Kantner and Amelie Kutter at the ISA Annual Convention, Montreal, 16-19 April
(2011) Selectivities in Crisis Perceptions: the Example of the German Financial Press. Presentation at the Centre for Theoretical Studies, University of Essex, 24 February
Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSN › Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSN › Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSN › Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Publication peer-review
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference -Mixed Audience