I am a theoretical physicist. I think mostly about the non-equilibrium dynamics of strongly-correlated quantum many-body systems. My research interests include many-body quantum chaos, open many-body quantum systems, many-body localization, constrained quantum many-body systems, quantum dimer models, topics in quantum information, field theories, tensor networks etc.
PhD projects are available in non-equilibrium dynamics in quantum many-body systems, particularly in topics related to many-body quantum chaos. Please contact me if you're interested.
Personal webpage: https://amoshmchan.wixsite.com/home
I am a Lecturer (principal investigator equivalent to "assistant professor") at the Lancaster University from September 2022. I was a Princeton Center for Theoretical Science Postdoctoral Fellow at the Princeton University between 2019 and 2022. I graduated from DPhil Theoretical Physics in the University of Oxford in 2019.