I am interested in the psychosocial underpinnings of resilience in security and safety settings. My research focuses on understanding how people avoid, adapt to, and recover from external disruptions and adversity, and the role of emerging technologies in shaping resilient responses. For this research, I have used a range of techniques including natural language processing, agent-based modelling, experimental and qualitative techniques.
I am currently working on an interdisciplinary project funded by the EPSRC Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Hub (TAS Hub) on the integration of social psychological principles into robotic systems for better emergency response and a synthesis of a Decision-from-Evidence (DfE) framework to guide future questions and opportunities for emergency resilience. My research has implications for policy and practice within different domains and contributes to theoretical advances of group behaviour.
Broadly speaking, I am interested in conducting research in the following areas:
- Detecting, assessing, and modelling indicators of resilience.
- Understanding the social psychological mechanisms of different forms of resilience, both online and offline.
- Promoting responsible innovation and improving inclusivity in robotic design, especially in relation to high-risk settings, such as humanitarian contexts.
- Improving expert decision-making techniques for future-oriented human-robot collaboration in response to societal challenges.