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Current Postgraduate Research Students

Anderson Jeremiah supervises 2 postgraduate research students. If these students have produced research profiles, these are listed below:

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Dr Anderson Jeremiah

Visiting Professor

Anderson Jeremiah

County South



Tel: +44 1524 5 92415

Office Hours:

Please Email me to make an appointment for Teams meeting. 

Research overview

My research develops a localised perspective of the growth and expansion of Global Christianity. From anthropological and sociological perspectives I accentuate the heterogeneity and plurality of lived Christian experience in different contexts, thus bringing to focus the interface between culture, worldview and belief. I am also increasingly interested in the impact of globalisation and migration on religious belonging and the resulting changes on contemporary Christianity. Within the broad academic research on the hybridisation of religion, I particularly work on Christianity, with special interest in the social and political implications of Christian growth particularly in Asia and Africa.

PhD supervision

I welcome potential doctoral students in the following research areas: Christian Theology, Recent trends in World Christianity, Globalisation and Christianity, Contextual and Practical Theology, Issues of Immigration and Diaspora in Christianity, Christianity: Tradition and Transformations, Dalit Studies, Postcolonial Approaches in Biblical Hermeneutics and Theology, Liberation Theologies, Christianity and other Religions, Religion and Politics in South Asia, Anthropology of Christianity

Research Interests

Anderson Jeremiah holds a Ph.D degree from New College, the University of Edinburgh and is an ordained Anglican Priest. Anderson's research primarily centres on the study of contemporary Christianity and the socio-cultural implications of the shift of Christianity to the global south. His areas of academic expertise include Christian Theology in Asia, Postcolonial Approaches to Theology, Anglican Communion, Dalit Studies, Contextual Theologies, History of Christianity, Modern Missionary Movements, Inculturation and faith, Biblical Hermeneutics, Economics and Liberation Theology, Encounter between Christianity and other Religions, Inter-Faith Understanding, Religious fundamentalism and Politics, Religious Pluralism, Poltics and Society in India.


Current Teaching

Michaelmas Term:

Poli 100: Politics in The Modern World 

PPR250: Christianity in the Modern World 

PPR254 : Religion in Society: Theories and Methods


Lent Term

RST100: Introducing Christianity 

PPR 353: Indian Politics, Society and Religion

Research Grants

FASS Early Career Small Grant (2013- )

Knowledge Exchange Fellowship (2013-2015)

Knowledge Exchange Fellowship (2014-2016)

My Role

Programme Director for Relgious Studies 

External Roles

Trustee, Church Urban Fund (https://www.cuf.org.uk/) 

Trustee, St.Augustine Foundation 

Member, Archbishop's Committee for Minority Ethnic Anglican Concerns, Church of England.

Associate Priest, St.Pauls Church Scotfort, Lancaster,  Diocese of Blackburn, Church of Engalnd 



  • PhD in Theology and Religious Studies, New College, University of Edinburgh
  • Bachelor of Divinity, United Theological College, Bangalore, India
  • M. Phil. in Philosophy and Religion, Madras Christian College, University of Madras, India
  • M.A. in  Philosophy and Religion, Madras Christian College, University of Madras, India
  • B.A. in English Literature, Voorhees College, University of Madras, India

 Other Professional qualifications:

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice, University of Lancaster  
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), UK
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Ecumenical Studies and Theology, University of Geneva, Switzerland
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Cross-Cultural Mission Studies and Kirkagardian Studies, Copenhagen University, Denmark
  • Conflict Resolution and Mediation Skills, Henry Martyn Institute, Hyderabad, India
  • Clinical Pastoral Education, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India

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