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Dr Andrea Waling

Senior Research Fellow in Social Care (RSS)

  1. 31st Annual IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards (#LGBTQ)-Gold.

    Dowsett, G. W. (Recipient), Duncan, D. (Recipient), Waling, A. (Recipient), Plooy, D. D. (Recipient) & Prestage, G. (Recipient), 2019

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  2. Discovery Early Career Researcher Award

    Waling, A. (Recipient), 2020

    Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively

  3. Outstanding Paper in the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence

    Roffee, J. A. (Recipient) & Waling, A. (Recipient), 22/05/2017

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  4. Rising Scholar in the Field of Sexuality

    Waling, A. (Recipient), 11/11/2017

    Prize: Other distinction

  5. Vice Chancellor Research Excellence in Research Impact Award

    Waling, A. (Recipient), Bourne, A. (Recipient), Lyons, A. (Recipient) & Lim, G. (Recipient), 2021

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

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