I returned to academia in 2013, having spent 27 years working in multinational in a variety of finance and strategy roles.
After completing an MRes in International Business, I was awarded a PhD in Management from LUMS for my work on P'ower and Coordination in the Multinational Company: A Post-Heterarchical Perspective'.
I have been involved with teaching on a variety of LUMS courses during the last four years, including MNGT 302 (management simulation), MNGT220 (fundamentals of strategic management) and DLM101 (introduction to international management and leadership).
My key research interests are around
- The Multinational Enterprise - in particular the impact of 'post-heterarchical' organisational structures, with inter-dependent units, multiple reporting lines, and employee membership of multiple units.
- The concept of 'power' - that is the ability to 'get things done' in the multinational.
- Issues around organisational restructuring and how this shapes or challenges employees' understanding of the organisation.
- Outsourcing decisions and issues, including choices made around the boundaries of the organisation
- Corporate level strategy.
MA Economics, Cambridge University
MRes International Business, Lancaster University
PhD in Management, Lancaster University
Currently teaching on DLM101
I received a LUMS departmental studentship for the 2014-15 academic year.
From the 2015-17 I was funded by the Lady J PhD scholarship.
Attendance at the ABS Summer School on Advanced Qualitative Methods was supported by the LUMS Conference Grant Scheme.
Attendance at EGOS 2016 in Naples, including the pre-colloquium PhD workshop was generously supported by LUMS.
Attendance at BAM 2017 in Warwick was supported by LUMS.