Andrew’s main research interest is laser materials processing. He has researched laser additive manufacturing, welding, drilling and cutting for nearly 20 years, leading to over 120 publications in the field. His work has spanned the full range of technology readiness levels in this field - from proof-on-concept studies based on modelling to targetted research in conjunction with industrial partners.
Other research has considered nano-scale machining of sensors, microstructure control of nickel superalloys during processing and condition monitoring for predictive maintenance.
2009 EU FP7 IAPP 230756 ‘Integrated numerical modeling of laser additive processes’ (INLADE) 1/2/09 – 1/2/13, with ESI GmbH. €330k (PI, Coordinator)
2009 ESI GmbH ‘Laser deposition simulation software development’ 1/2/09 – 1/2/14 €137k (PI)
2008/2009 British Council RC PK 35, ‘Efficient recycling of machine waste by laser deposition’ 1/3/08 – 1/9/09, with The College of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering, NUST, PK. £39k + £16k extension (PI)
2007 EPSRC grant EP/F01337X/1, Taking Additive Laser Research into Biomedical Applications, 1/10/07 – 30/6/08, with the University of Waterloo, Canada. £67k (PI)
2005 EPSRC grant EP/C00194X/1, A Scientific Base for Laser Net Shaping of Superalloys with Custom Distributed Properties (LASPRO), 1/1/05 – 31/12/07, with Rolls-Royce plc, TWI and the Winbro Group. £424k (Co-I)