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Dr Andrew Wilson

Formerly at Lancaster University

PhD supervision

Quantitative and mathematical linguistics.

Language and religion/spirituality.

Language and psychoanalysis.

The linguistics of altered states of consciousness.

The discourse of fashion (including non-verbal aspects).

Current Teaching

FASS 508 - Quantitative Research Methods Introduction

FASS 509 - Quantitative Research Methods 1

FASS 512 - Quantitative Research Methods 2

LING 541 - Quantitative Methods for Applied Linguistics

LING 102 - Part 1 English Language

LING 103 - Part 1 Linguistics

LING 211 - The Language of Advertising

Research Interests

My main research interests are in quantitative and mathematical linguistics and computer-assisted content analysis.  My current research focusses mainly on applying mathematical models to the Celtic languages.  I am also interested in non-verbal semiotics.

Research overview

My main research interests are in quantitative and mathematical linguistics and computer-assisted content analysis.  My current research focusses mainly on applying mathematical models to the Celtic languages.  I am also interested in non-verbal semiotics.

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