Formerly at Lancaster University
I am happy to supervise students who have interests in topics related to Europe and/or Globalisation, ideally linked to a conceptual/theoretical question. This could be for instance on inclusion/integration, (beyond) identity, conflict, communication, religion, everyday life culture,European Union and consequences of enlargements, and particularly on the concept of society/sociality.
Please feel free to approach me with ideas beyond this range of topics, too, as long as you see them as broadly related.
Please also note that we have established a new Dual PhD Programme 'European and Global Studies' with the University of Siegen/Germany now. You can find more information below.
EURO 202 European Culture of Everyday Life
EURO 301/401 Discussing the European Union
FASS 401 Europe in a Global Context: Concepts (co-taught)
FASS 403 Introduction to Research Methods (co-taught)
Questionnaire Design
Supervision of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Dissertations
Supervision of PhD Theses
Extracurricular Courses (e.g. Erasmus Intensive Seminars with Siegen 2010 & 2011, Allianz Summer Academies 2008 & 2009)
I am interested in a range of topics related to Europe and Globalisation both from a sociological and an interdisciplinary perspective. Currently, I am mainly researching the concept 'society', related to the analysis of constructive forms of conflict. Also, I am interested in classical and current sociological theory in general, for instance on inclusion/integration, (beyond) identity, communication, religion, everyday life culture, (cyber)sociality, transnationalisation and cosmopolitanism.
Current research projects
1. My main current project is a book titled 'Conceptualising Society in the Context of Globalisation'. In this book, on the one hand I outline fundamental aspects of the relation and co-functioning of homogeneity and heterogeneity in relation to the notion of society, and on the other hand I develop this notion further, based on the multifaceted concept of conflict. I expect this to be published it in the first half of 2012.
2. Based on the initialising work of the first book project, I am preparing a second one thatexplores aspects of a meso-level within this framework of a current concept of society, e.g.communication, networks and pratices. This is also step towards the development of a more application-orientated perspective on the subject that I hope to follow on with afterwards. I expect this second book to be published in summer 2013.
3. With Helmut Dubiel, I am discussing the conceptual potential of conflict for processes of social inclusion and 'coherence' from the perspective of political theory. As this is a more liberal form of intellectual exchange (to some extent, it could be called a 'hobby'), we don't plan a publication date yet.
a) Monographs
(2012, forthcoming) Conceptualising Society in the Context of Globalisation. The Problem of Europe.
(2005) Kollektive Identitäten in Ostmitteleuropa: Polen, Ungarn und Tschechien und die Integration der Europäischen Union (Collective Identities in East Central Europe: Poland, Hungary, and Czech Republic and the Integration of the European Union). Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin, Berlin.
b) Edited Books
(2011a) Europe in a Global Context. Palgrave (in print)
(2011b) European Cosmopolitanism in Question. Palgrave. Co-edited with Roland Robertson (in print)
c) Articles
(2011a) ‚Why European Cosmopolitanism?', in: Robertson, Roland/ Anne Sophie Krossa (eds): European Cosmopolitanism in Question. Palgrave (in print)
(2011b) ‚Introduction', in: Anne Sophie Krossa (ed): European Studies in the Context of Globalisation. Palgrave Macmillan (in print)
(2011c) ‚Society', in: Anne Sophie Krossa (ed): European Studies in the Context of Globalisation. Palgrave Macmillan (in print)
(2009a) 'Conceptualizing European Society on Non-Normative Grounds: Logics of Sociation, Glocalization and Conflict', in: European Journal of Social Theory 2009 12: 249-264.
(2009b) 'Glokalisierung als Strukturprinzip der Bildung einer „europäischen Gesellschaft"?' (Glocalisation as structural feature of the formation of a 'European society'?, in: Balla, Balint/ Sterbling, Anton (eds.): Globalisierung, Europäisierung, Regionalisierung. Tagungsband der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Sektion Ostmitteleuropasoziologie. Hamburg: Kraemer, 159-176.
(2009c) 'Form vor Inhalt, oder: „Nicht was, sondern wie wird diskutiert". Diskurse zu Geschichte und Erinnerung in Ostmitteleuropa am Beispiel Polens' (Not what but how is it discussed. Discourses on history and memory in East Central Europe: The Polish example), in: Majerus, Benoit et al. (eds.): Nationale Erinnerungsorte hinterfragt (Examining national lieux de mémoire). Brussels: Peter Lang.
(2007) 'Integration of Unequal Units: Comparing the German and the European Unification Process', in: Journal of Contemporary European Research (JCER), Vol. 3, Issue 1, 1-17.
(2006) ‚"Ostmitteleuropa" ODER „Europa"?' (‚East Central Europe' OR ‚Europe'?), in: Osteuropaforschung - 15 Jahre ‚danach'. Forschungsstelle Osteuropa Bremen, Arbeitspapiere und Materialien No. 77, 30-33.
(2005a) ‚Europäisierung ostmitteleuropäischer Identitäten?' (Europeanisation of East-Central European Identities?), in: Salimi-Asl, Cyrus; Wrasse, Eric; Schuch, Gereon (eds.): Die Transformation nationaler Politik. Europäisierungsprozesse in Mitteleuropa (The transformation of national politics. Processes of Europeanization in Central Europe). Berlin: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, 245-263.
(2005b) ‚Historische und aktuelle Wahrnehmungen: Deutschlands Rolle als Problem bei der tschechischen EU-Integration'.
(2004) ‚Die Zentrums-Peripherie-Struktur kollektiver Identitäten in West und Ost. Ein Vergleich zwischen dem europäischen und dem deutsch-deutschen Einigungsprozess' (The centre-periphery-structure of collective identities in West and East. A comparison of the European process of unification with the German one), in: Fuhrmann, Nora; Glombowski, Jörg; Pieper, Karin; Rabenschlag, Kai (eds.): Erweiterung und Integration der EU. Opladen, 101-123.
(2003a) ‚Das Konzept „Verfassungspatriotismus" im Kontext der Erweiterung der Europäischen Union. Eine kritische Betrachtung am Beispiel Polens' (The concept 'Verfassungspatriotismus' in the context of the European Union's enlargement. A critical study of the Polish example), in: Dittmer, S.; Jörs, I., Ruge, U. (eds.): EU-Beitritt: Verheißung oder Bedrohung? Die Wirkung der geplanten EU-Osterweiterung in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Kandidatenländern. Jahrbuch für Europa- und Nordamerika-Studien, Universität Göttingen, Band 6. Opladen.
(2003b) ‚Formen kollektiver Identität in Zentrums-Peripherie-Strukturen. Ostmitteleuropa und die Europäische Union' (Types of collective identity in structures of centre and periphery. East Central Europe and the European Union), in: Mayer, Sebastian; Pänke, Julian; Wielgohs, Jan (Hg): Kulturen und Identitäten - Interessen und Strategien. Europäische Nationen und die Europäische Union vor der Osterweiterung. Frankfurter Institut für Transformationsstudien, Frankfurt an der Oder, 35-43.
(2003c) ‚Ungarn, Polen und Tschechien: Kollektive Identitäten im Kontext der Beitritte zur Europäischen Union' (Hungary, Poland and Czech Republic in the context of the accessions to the European Union), in: Europa, Ungarn - heute und morgen. Begegnungen. Schriftenreihe des Europa-Instituts, Band 19. Budapest, 287-298.
d) Encyclopedia Entries
(2012a) 'Society', in: George Ritzer (2012): Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. 2nd Edition, Riley Blackwell (accepted/forthcoming)
(2012b) 'European Society', in: George Ritzer (2012): Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. 2nd Edition, Riley Blackwell (accepted/forthcoming)
(2012c) 'Eurocentrism', in: George Ritzer (2012): Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. 2nd Edition, Riley Blackwell (accepted/forthcoming)
e) Book Reviews
(2010): Jürgen Habermas: 'Europe, the faltering project', in: Perspectives on European Politics and Society 11/1, p 119-130.
(2008) 'Central European History and the European Union: The Meaning of Europe', in: Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS), 46/4,p 921-922.
(2008) David M. Green (2007): 'The Europeans'. Political Identity in an Emerging Policy, in: Journal of Contemporary European Research (JCER).
(2007): Joseph S. Joseph (Hg) (2006): 'Turkey and the European Union. Internal Dynamics and External Challenges', in: Journalof Common Market Studies (JCMS), June 2007.
The main research context I am working in at the moment is the Lancaster Research Group on Europe and Globalisation; all of my current research projects are to different degrees linked to this framework ( It brings together more than 30 Lancaster-based researchers from a wide range of subjects and departments, cooperatingon a variety of projects related both to research and teaching( You are warmly invited to join us!
In cooperation with the University of Siegen, we hold yearly international research workshops, always including a master class for PhD students who are invited to present and discuss research questions in this interdisciplinary context. Most currently, three projects came to fruition - and all illustrate the close link we have established between research and teaching:
1. The textbook for advanced students 'Europe in a Global Context' (Palgrave 2011), to which18 colleagues from our Research Group at Lancaster University have contributed chapters. All of us start out from a concept of our individual research expertise and discuss it along the structure Concept-Europe-Globalisation.
2. This book is the basis of a co-taught module of the new MA programme of the same title: 'Europe in a Global Context'. Please see below for more detailed information.
3. We set up a new Dual PhD programme 'European and Global Studies' between Lancaster University and the University of Siegen/Germany. More information can be found below, again.
I am also involved in the Centre for Transcultural Writing and Research (
I am the Director of Postgraduate Studies and Convenor of the following courses and programmes:
* MA Europe in a Global Context
This innovative and genuinely interdisciplinary taught MA offers a new approach to European and Global Studies in the area of postgraduate teaching and allows students to engage with researchers from a wide range of disciplines to enter an open-ended discussion about Europe and Globalisation. The programme is offered with two pathways; one with a placement outside Europe, one without placement and a wide selection of interdisciplinary modules, taught across the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, instead. Please see
* MA European Union Institutions and Policy Making
Applicants to this highly distinctive MA programme are attracted by its integrated character and especially by the opportunity which it offers to gain first-hand experience of working in Brussels. It is a consortial programme involving several departments at Lancaster University, established and co-ordinated by the Department of European Languages and Cultures. Please see
* MA Languages and Cultures
The MA programme is for graduates who are keen to develop their understanding of European, African or Latin American Studies. Students chose one of these three pathways and are required to take three taught modules within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. The eventual dissertation topic is defined to reflect both the student's interests and the Department's research expertise in individual languages and cultures. The programme is designed for those who want to take a step towards studying for a PhD in the near future. Please see
* Dual PhD European and Global Studies
You will be supervised by one supervisor from Lancaster and one from Siegen, and graduate with two degrees, one from each university, on the basis of one thesis. PhD theses can be written in European and Global Studies, Sociology, Political Sciences, History, Law, Linguistics, German/English/French Studies, Media/Film/Cultural Studies, Applied Social Sciences, Educational Research, Contemporary Art, Philosophy, and Religious Studies.
You will spend half of your studies in each of the two countries, and fees will be split accordingly. As UK fees are considerably higher than German ones, this is a rare opportunity to take a British doctoral degree without paying the usual fees. In both Lancaster and Siegen, you will take part and be integrated in specialised and active research groups which will provide you with an outstanding intellectual environment that will support you in proceeding successfully with your individual research project. Asthis programme is run in English, German language knowledge is not a requirement.
* All other PhD Studies in the department
Direct applications are welcomed in any of the areas covered by our staff expertise. Students may pursue a topic based entirely within one or several of the five languages - French, German, Italian, Spanish, Catalan - but we are also interested in projects which are comparative or transcultural in scope European Studies. It is also possible to receive joint supervision by European Languages and Cultures and another department in the university such as History, Lingistics, Philosophy, etc. Please see
Also, I organise the yearly Postgraduate Master Class on Global and European Studies
As part of cooperation between the Lancaster Research Group on Europe and Globalisation with Siegen University, we offer Postgraduate Courses on Global and European Studies to provide MA and PhD students of the social sciences with an extraordinary opportunity to learn from and discuss with prominent scholars about the conditions, processes, structures and consequences of globalization and European integration. These courses are organized by Prof. Dr. Christian Lahusen at the University of Siegen (Germany) and me for the University of Lancaster (UK).
After a successful start in Siegen in 2008 ( we continued this initiative and developed it further with a Research Workshop at Lancaster University ( and in Siegen in 2010 again.
If you are interested in joining any of these programmes and/or events, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSN › Chapter
Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSN › Chapter
Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSN › Chapter