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Dr Arne Strauss

Formerly at Lancaster University

Arne Strauss


Arne Strauss holds a Master’s degree in mathematics from Virginia Tech, USA, a diploma (equivalent to Master degree) in mathematics and business administration from the University of Trier, Germany, and a Ph.D. in Management Science from Lancaster University Management School. He recently received the national doctoral prize of the Operational Research Society for the "Most Distinguished Body of Research leading to the Award of a Doctorate in the field of OR".

His current research is concerned with advancing revenue management models in the service industries in collaboration with industry partners such as Lufthansa Systems.

He is a member of AGIFORS, IMACS, INFORMS, an Associate of The Operational Research Society and is part of the LANCS Initiative.

Current Teaching

MSCI 548 - Revenue Management


  • M.Sc. in Mathematics (Virginia Tech)
  • Diploma in Business Mathematics (University of Trier)
  • Ph.D. in Management Science (Lancaster University)

Research Grants

  • 2010 Lancaster University Management School Pump Priming Grant recipient
  • 2010 LANCS Initiative Postdoctoral Training Scheme Grant recipient
  • 2009 EPSRC PhD Plus Fellowship Grant

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