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Dr Bernadette Loacker

Formerly at Lancaster University

Bernadette Loacker

Office Hours:

By appointment

PhD supervision

I am interested in supervising PhD students who want to critically explore themes such as disciplinary and post-disciplinary forms of work organization, forms and practices of organizational power, control and critique, processes of work- and profession-related identity and subjectivity constitution, or ethics and creativity at work.


Bernadette joined the Department of Work, Organisation and Technology in August 2015. Previously, she worked at the Department of Business Administration at Lund University (Sweden), the Department of Management at WU Vienna and the Department of Organization and Learning at Innsbruck School of Management (Austria), where she is still a visiting scholar.

Research overview

Bernadette's research interests include contemporary forms of work organization, processes of occupational and professional subjectivity formation, organizational power and control, critique and ethics at work, and poststructuralist organization theories. Bernadette has conducted qualitiative studies in fields such as culture and the arts, higher education, (brand) consultancy, psychosocial institutions, and the legal professions. She is a member of the editorial collective of the open-access journal ephemera: theory and politics in organization.

Current Teaching

Lent Term 2020/2021:


OWT 321: Organisational Change


OWT503/ITO 002: The Management of Organisational Change


Lent and Summer Term 2019/2020:


OWT 222: Managing People


OWT 503/ITO 002: The Management of Organisational Change

MNGT 621: Organisational Change


Professional Role

Doctoral Director

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