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Current Postgraduate Research Students

Cami Rowe supervises 4 postgraduate research students. If these students have produced research profiles, these are listed below:

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Dr Cami Rowe

Senior Lecturer in Applied Theatre/Socially Engaged Theatre

Cami Rowe

The LICA Building



Research overview

Cami Rowe works across the disciplines of Theatre, Performance and International Politics. She holds a BA, MA and MPhil in Drama and a PhD in International Relations. Her research addresses the theatrical elements of global politics and related applied theatre and performance practices. She has particular expertise in issues of war and militarisation, as well as acts of political resistance by marginalised groups and individuals. She is presently developing a monograph that explores creative resistance in the context of digital populism. Additional areas of interest include protest performance, intercultural theatre, national identities, and migration.


Cami Rowe works across the disciplines of Theatre, Performance and International Politics. She holds a BA, MA and MPhil in Drama and a PhD in International Relations. Her research addresses the theatrical elements of global politics and related applied theatre and performance practices. She has particular expertise in issues of war and militarisation, as well as acts of political resistance by marginalised groups and individuals. She is presently developing a monograph that explores creative resistance in the context of digital populism. Additional areas of interest include protest performance, intercultural theatre, national identities, and youth and community theatre practices.

Cami is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She convenes LICA180 Introduction to Theatre Studies and contributes to teaching and practical supervision on second and third year modules.  She currently supervises four PhD students and welcomes inquiries from potential students working in the areas of applied and political theatre, global politics and performance, theatre and national identities, and protest performance.

External PhD Supervision

I currently supervise three external PhD students:

Sudip Chakroborthy - Performing Bangladesh: Identity, Violence and Conciliation from 1971 to 2013 [Goldsmiths College, Commonwealth Scholar]

Leonie Elliot-Graves - Learning Disabled Directors/Playwrights: Roles of Empowerment [Goldsmiths College]

Eleanor Kilroy - Girls, Instagram and Performing the Perfect: Using Drama for a Revival of Feminist Consciousness-Raising [Goldsmiths College, AHRC-CHASE funded student]

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