I am happy to supervise students who wish to research any aspects of Analytical Psychology (e.g. archetypes, shadow work, psychological functions/types) applied to organisations and management, or ethical issues in organisations especially exploring the sense of self and moral agency.
I am also open to proposals involving psychoanalytical approaches to organisation studies, or perspectives on workplace spirituality.
I joined the Department of Organisation, Work and Technology in January 2015. I previously worked as a Lecturer at the University of Stirling (Scotland) and Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand).
My research aims to analyse moral issues in organisations through an understanding of the conscious and unconscious psychological factors which influence individual and collective behaviour. Drawing upon Carl G. Jung's Analytical Psychology, I explore the ethical dimensions of the psyche, and examine how they help explain the dynamics of moral deliberation and decision-making in the context of work organisations.
I am also interested in the role of imagination, as a function and process, in business ethics education as well as in management and organisational practice.
Michaelmas Term
OWT.233: Management and Organisational Behaviour
OWT.221: Organisational Behaviour
Lent Term
OWT.222: Managing People
OWT.229: Business Ethics