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Christopher Edwards supervises 1 postgraduate research students. If these students have produced research profiles, these are listed below:

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Professor Christopher Edwards

Professor, Associate Dean for Postgraduate Studies

Christopher Edwards




Tel: +44 1524 510329

Research overview

Chris currently his research projects in the areas of network infrastructure support for disaster recovery and rescue services, network mobility and multihoming, and networked multimedia caching. The network mobility work is looking at how Mobile Hosts or Mobile Networks (MN) are able to obtain quick, trouble-free, secure network access whilst they roam. The work to provide such access has been supported by a number of sources including the European Commission (the u2010 project), JANET UK (Mobile IP Trails), and perhaps most notably, Cisco Systems in their sponsorship of a number of Ph.D students at Lancaster. His general interests include future Internet protocols, multimedia communications, network support for GRID applications, quality of service and traffic engineering.


Dr Chris Edwards holds a BSc in Computer Studies (First Class Hons, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, 1995) and a PhD in Computer Science (Lancaster University, UK, 2000). He became a lecturer at Lancaster in 2000, and a senior lecturer in 2009. Over the last ten years he has been involved in leading Lancaster’s input into various EPSRC and EU funded initiatives. As well as being a Senior Lecturer in the School of Computing and Communications, where he teaches in the areas of Advanced Networking, Cyber Security and Operating Systems, he is also the Associate Dean for Postgraduate Studies in the Faculty of Science and Technology.

Career Details

Academic Qualifications:

Doctor of Philisophy (2000)

1st Class B.Sc. Hons in Computer Studies, Liverpool John Moores University (1995)


Senior Lecturer, School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University, 2009 – present

Lecturer, Computing Department, Lancaster University, 2000 - 2009

Research Assistant, Computing Department, Lancaster University, 1999 - 2000

Professional Role

General Chair for the International Conference on Networks for Grid Applications (GridNets).

Guest Editor for the International Journal of Grid Computing, a journal published by Elsevier.

Served on programme committees for a number of iterations of the follows events:

  • EurAsian Conference on Information and Communication Technology
  • IFIP/IEEE Protocols for High-Speed Networks (PfHSN)
  • IFIP International Workshop on Internet Charging and QoS Technologies
  • IEEE International Symposium on Applications and the Internet
  • IEEE Bandwidth on Demand (BoD)

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