I am an educational researcher in the field of technology-enhanced learning and my interests are focused on visual learning, digital wellbeing, and social impact. I am also interested in the relations between these practices and higher education as well as the relations between theories and methods in qualitative research.
Research Interests
I would like to research more in areas such as embodied cognition, holographs (mixed reality), visual literacies, virtual reality, gamification, games, brain research, artificial intelligence, distance education, and MOOCs. Research questions: How formal, non-formal and informal learning can enhance and support learning at an individual learner level? How transmedia storytelling could affect research and learning? How to bridge transactional distance and minimize isolation in an e-learning course? How to improve informed grounded theory with AI?
Career Details
Before coming to Lancaster, I spent years working for EU funded projects and teaching at Hellenic American University and English language centers. I coordinated the VocTEL conference aiming to promote TEL in Europe in 2015. I hold a BA in Economics from Deere College, an MSc in Networked Learning, and a Ph.D. in the field of “E-research and Technology Enhanced Learning” from Lancaster University (department of educational research). I review UKERI proposals for the British council and European Union proposals for H2020 FET Innovation Launchpad Calls. I blog regularly at AACE review (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education) and review papers at IRRODL, open praxis, education sciences, educational researcher, Ed-media conferences.
Ph.D. Supervision Interests
I am looking forward to receiving Ph.D. proposals in most areas related to technology-enhanced teaching, particularly those relating to students' and academics' experiences.