Dr Fitzpatrick welcomes expressions of interest on PhD projects relating to: looked after children and/or care-leavers in the criminal justice system; desistance and resilience; the links between youth justice and child welfare; young offenders.
Claire has a long-standing interest in examining the link between experiences of the state child care system and later involvement in the youth and criminal justice systems, with a particular focus on challenging negative stereotypes that have traditionally linked children in care with trouble. Previous research has focused on looked after children and care leavers in prison custody, as well as the experiences of care leavers in the community supervised on an Intensive Alternative to Custody Order. Claire’s current work focuses on care-experienced girls and women in youth and criminal justice systems.
More broadly, Claire is interested in processes of criminalisation, youth justice, women’s imprisonment, desistance and resilience, gendered pathways to offending and the link between state systems of care and justice across the generations. She has a particular commitment to research that seeks to make a difference to real world policy and practice.
Claire’s teaching specialisms reflect her research interests - she teaches around Youth Justice and Gendered Harm and Justice, and contributes to teaching across the undergraduate and postgraduate criminology programmes. She is Programme lead and Dissertation co-ordinator for the Criminology Master’s programmes.
Dr Claire Fitzpatrick is a Senior Lecturer in Criminology, a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and the Youth Justice lead for Lancaster’s Centre for Child and Family Justice Research. Claire graduated with First Class Honours from Lancaster University, before completing her ESRC-funded PhD here in 2002. Prior to working at Lancaster, Claire worked at the University of Nottingham and the Home Office Research Development and Statistics Directorate.
Disrupting the Routes between Care and Custody: Learning from Girls and Women in the Care and Criminal Justice Systems
Dr Fitzpatrick is currently the Principal Investigator for the above titled study which is funded by the Nuffield Foundation. This is a collaborative project with colleagues from the Universities of Bristol, Liverpool John Moores and Lancaster. The research aims to address the neglected topic of care-experienced girls and women who come into conflict with the law. It has a particular focus on using interviews to explore the experiences of care-experienced women in prison, girls currently in care and in contact with the youth justice system, and the professionals who work within these systems.