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Current Postgraduate Research Students

Craig Murray supervises 22 postgraduate research students. If these students have produced research profiles, these are listed below:

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Dr Craig Murray

Senior Lecturer

Craig Murray

Lancaster University

Furness Building



Research overview

I am a health psychologist, academic researcher, and qualitative methods specialist. My main research interests are identity, stigma, sexuality, and embodiment in relation to living with a chronic physical health condition, physical disability or visible difference. In particular, I research issues surrounding amputation and artificial limb use.


PhD supervision

I am willing to supervise self-funded PhD students or students who have such funding in place on the below topics. Potential applicants should contact me in the first instance.
Qualitative analyses of topics related to health psychology or clinical psychology.
In particular:
Amputation, prosthesis use and phantom limb pain
Experience of physical health complaints and related services

Current Teaching

Qualitative Research Methods in Clinical and Health Psychology (especially Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, thematic analysis and Discourse Analysis)

Literature review methodology (particularly qualitative metasyntheses)

Additional Information




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