My research interests include the sociology of culture, especially the sociology of cultural practices of relevance to sustainability; new social movements, particularly environmentalism; and mobilities, especially cycling.
EPSRC Understanding Walking and Cycling Project
I enjoy thinking about the culture, politics, materialities and mobilities of everyday life, and about how present and future everyday lives might be otherwise.
Thinking about cycling, including its potential contributions to socially just and ecologically sustainable futures, has been my favourite intellectual activity over the last few years. I like to think that such thinking is at its best when Iâ??m out cycling!
Academic Qualifications
PhD Sociology, 'Searching for Sustainability: an Ethnography of Everyday Life Among Environmental Activists', Lancaster University, 2002
MA (Dist.), Sociology with special reference to Qualitative Research, Goldsmiths College, University of London, 1997
MA (Dist.), Values and the Environment, Lancaster University, 1996
BA Hons (2i), Geography, Hull University, 1989