David Leedal is a Research Associate at the Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University. His research interests are systems dynamics, complexity, uncertainty, and data visualization.
David’s research investigates the application of systems dynamics and control to the broad problem of geoengineering. Among many others, he is looking to answer questions such as: If applied, how can we make sure we achieve specific targets during a geoengineering campaign? How quickly would geoengineering methods need to be applied or removed to avoid tipping points? What effect would model uncertainty have on the design and implementation of a geoengineering scenario?
David’s previous research has investigated flood risk management. This focused on uncertainty in flood modelling; specifically, how to reduce, estimate, communicate, and eventually manage it. He is applying some of these methods within the IAGP project.
I am a Research Associate at the Lancaster Environment Centre. My interests are systems dynamics, complexity, uncertainty, data visualization, atmospheric science, behavioural economics and computational science.
I'm investigating the application of systems dynamics, time series analysis, and control theory to the broad problem of geoengineering. As part of the IAGP (http://www.iagp.ac.uk) project we're seeing if geoengineering failure could result from the interaction of natural climate variability, model uncertainty, and engineering/economic constraints.