Home > Research > Researchers > David Murphy

Supervised by

David Murphy

Research student

David Murphy

Lancaster University

County South



Research overview

My current research focuses on how queering and queer IR theory interacts with notions of international queer solidarity, and how this can queer our notions of international solidarity. I am currently looking at what a queer British response to queerphobia in Uganda, with a particular focus on the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Acts (2014 and 2023), might look like.

Thesis Title

Queering International Solidarity: What Would a Queer British Response to Queerphobia in Uganda Look Like?

Supervised By

Dr Julie Hearn

Professional Role

Associate Lecturer - Poli100 (2022-23) and I.R.100 (2022-2024)

Associate Lecturer - PPR.240 The Politics of Development (2022-24)

Academic Writing Mentor - FASS Academic Writing Space (2022 - Present)

Current Teaching

David has contributed to the teaching of thr following modules during his time at Lancaster University:

I.R.100 - International Relations: Theory and Practice

Poli100 - Politics in the Modern World

PPR.240 - The Politics of Development

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