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Dr Edward Chuah

Research student

Research overview

Edward is a post-doctoral research associate at Lancaster University. His current research interests lay at the intersection of data analysis, system security and fault tolerance. He also has a general interest in anomaly detection, causal inference and networking.

Professional Role

Service to the community:

  • 2021: PC member (ICI2ST), invited reviewer for 4th International Conference on Mechanical, Electric and Industrial Engineering (MEIE).
  • 2020: Invited reviewer for IEEE Access, 2nd International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems (MLIS), 6th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining (FSDM).
  • 2018: Invited reviewer for Software: Practice and Experience, ACM Computing Surveys.


PhD in Computer Science, The University of Warwick, UK.

Other Interests and Hobbies

Courses completed:

  • Introduction to Cyber Security Specialization, Coursera (coursera.org/verify/specialization/2Z965GR5Y5FA).

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