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Dr Filippo Varese

Formerly at Lancaster University

Filippo Varese

Research overview

My research interests focus primarily on the psychological and cognitive underpinnings of psychotic experiences (in particular auditory verbal hallucinations) in non-clinical and clinical populations. I am also particularly interested in studying the impact of adverse life experiences (e.g. childhood trauma) on severe mental difficulties (e.g. psychosis), and the psychological mechanisms that might account for these associations. As a practitioner clinical psychologist, I am also interested in psychosocial interventions for psychosis/severe mental health difficulties, in particular CBT and Methods of Levels therapy. I have expertise in a variety of quantitative research methods, including meta-analysis, questionnaire/survey methods, experience sampling, secondary analysis of epidemiological datasets and experimental psychopathology. 

PhD supervision

I am keen to supervise projects in the following areas:

1) Cognitive and psychological processes underling specific symptoms of psychosis
2) The impact of trauma/adverse life experiences on vulnerability, maintenance and responses to severe mental health difficulties (e.g. psychosis, bipolar disorder)
3) Application of Perceptual Control Theory (a cybernetic model of human behaviour and cognition) to psychopathology
4) Psychosocial processes explaining vulnerability to mental health difficulties in sexual minorities/LGBT

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