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Dr George Green

Formerly at Lancaster University

George Green

Office Hours:

Monday and Tuesday 9-10

PhD supervision

I am interested in the West and the Western, fantasy and science fiction including the graphic novel, anything Irish, and longer fiction in general.

Current Teaching

I teach on the Creative Writing MA, and the half units on short stories, creative non-fiction and longer fiction.

I am presently supervising (or co-supervising) PhDs on detective fiction, the graphic novel, rewriting and mytheopia, rewriting the short story and criticism, and rewriting and drama theory as well as several novels.  This means that i am quite busy at present, but am always interested in strong ideas. 


George Green was born in Dublin in 1956 and brought up in Tipperary, where he lived in a house built on an ancient burial mound.

George has been with the department for twenty years, starting with an MA in 1992. Although he used to write a lot of short stories he is now moving towards longer fiction. His recent novel, Hound published by Transworld in August 2003, is a take on The Tain, the Irish myth cycle. The follow-up, Hawk, has just been published. He is also the autor of Writing a Novel and Getting Published for Dummies.  His research areas are Irish fiction, the Western and the nature of Biography. He is presently working on a novel set in the Spanish Civil War.

Research overview

I am primarily interested in Irish Literature, any aspect of Myth, the Western novel and history, and novels of the Spanish Civil War

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