Pathways to Poverty: Theoretical and empirical analyses
Education and Labour Economics; specifically youth unemployment.
ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) funding for a PhD in economics.
MMath (Master of Mathematics - 1st Class Honours - Warwick University)
MEd (Master of Education - with Distinction - University of Birmingham)
MSc Econ (with Distinction - Unawarded - completed as part of Integrated PhD - Lancaster University)
5 Years as a teacher of mathematics at Swanshurst School, Birmingham.
Including variously: leader of Sixth Form maths, leader of year 10 maths, whole school enrichment co-ordinator, whole school DofE co-ordinator.
Three Tutorial groups for Econ102 - priciples of Economics.
PhD Student, Department of Economics;
PhD Seminar Series Organiser;
Econ102 Tutor;
FASS/LUMS ethics committee member.