Senior Lecturer
Lancaster University
Bowland North
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Tel: +44 1524 592456
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Dr Bryan's research interests centre on the following: Administration of Criminal Justice; Laws of Evidence; Criminal Law; Culpability; Criminalisation; Procedural Justice; Legal History; Freedom of Expression; Civil Liberties; Domestic, Regional and International Human Rights; Law and Religion; Legal Theory.
Dr Bryan would be happy to supervise postgraduate students in most areas within the broad field of Criminal Justice Studies (including, the Laws of Evidence and Proof; Criminal Law, the Administration of Criminal Justice; International Criminal Law, International Criminal Justice; Comparative Criminal Law; Comparative Criminal Justice). Dr Bryan also welcomes research proposals focusing on Human Rights, Civil Liberties, Legal History, Legal Theory, Legal Regulation and Social Control.
Administration of Criminal Justice; Laws of Evidence; Criminal Law; Criminalisation; Legal History; Procedural Justice; Civil Liberties and Human Rights; Legal Theory
Principally - Criminal Law; Laws of Evidence; Religion, Law and Culture; Criminal Justice; Civil Liberties and Human Rights; Legal Theory
Ian completed his undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the University of Warwick, where, while pursuing PhD research, he was engaged as Teaching Fellow and as Research Fellow for the Legal Research Institute. Since joining the Law School at Lancaster University in 1994, he has served as Convenor for and Lead Tutor of several modules, including: 'Laws of Evidence' (1994-2009, 2011-); 'Criminal Law' (Compulsory Full Unit) (1994-2006); 'Medicine and the Law' (1997-2001); 'Social Workers and the Law' (1995-2005); 'Advanced Social Workers and the Law' (1995-2003); 'Health Care Law I' (2001-2005); and 'Health Care Law II’ (2001-2007). He constructed and established the 'Laws of Evidence', the 'Criminal Law' and the 'Medicine and the Law' modules in the Law School at Lancaster University. He also founded, along with another colleague, the 'Health Care Law I' and 'Health Care Law II’ modules. In addition, he has assisted as Lecturer and Tutor on such modules as 'Crime, Punishment and Policing' (1994-1999); 'Advanced Crime, Punishment and Policing' (1994-1999); 'Public Law'; 'English Legal System and Methods'; 'Responses to Massive Human Rights Violations'; 'Society, Religion and Law'; 'Immigration and Asylum Law' and 'Crime and Criminal Justice'.
He has researched and published on a variety of topics, including: Police Powers; Suspects’ Rights; Criminal Culpability; the Laws of Evidence; Penal Theory; Civil Liberties; Human Rights; the Prosecution of War Crimes; the Administration of Criminal Justice; Free Expression; Blasphemy; the Criminalisation of Religious and Racial Hatred; Procedural Justice; the Safeguarding of Civil Liberties and Human Rights under domestic and International Law; Equality and Freedom from Unlawful Discrimination in European Law; Legal History and Legal Theory. His 1997 book, Interrogation and Confession: A Study of Progress, Process and Practice (, received commendations for its scholarly contribution to debates concerning the nature and varied functions of interrogations in the pre-modern and modern era; the status of confession evidence; the case-construction and case-disposition processes; crime control imperatives; due process concerns; modes of proof; and the influence of non-legislative vis-à-vis legislative regulatory frameworks.
His research and publications also explore and reflect upon the nature and significance of, and intersections between, such notions, ideas and concerns as: legal science; legal normativity; legal validity; legal rationality; legal rights; constituent and constitued power; juridical conceptions of the State; 'Horrorism'; law, consent and coercion; intentionality; subjectivity and objectivity; law and morality; law and value-neutrality; law and idealisation.
Appointed Senior Lecturer in 2002, his Administrative, Consultative, Guidance, Support and Welfare portfolio include the positions of the Law School's Part II Tutor (1994-1997); Study Abroad Advisor; College Tutor; the Law School's Director of LLB Examinations (1997-2005); Senior College Tutor; the Law School's Director of Admissions (Law & Criminology); Council Member of the Society of Legal Scholars (SLS, formerly the SPTL,; Mentor for early career academics; Referee (book manuscripts and submissions to academic journals); External Reviewer and External Examiner for law programmes and modules in various Higher Education Institutions.
Langford, P., Bryan, I. and McGarry, J. (eds.), Hans Kelsen and the Natural Law Tradition, (Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2019) (
Langford, P., Bryan, I. and McGarry, J. (eds.), Kelsenian Legal Science and the Nature of Law, (Springer, 2017) (
Bryan, I., Langford, P. and McGarry, J. (eds.), The Reconstruction of the Juridico-Political: Affinity and Divergence in Hans Kelsen and Max Weber, (Routledge, 2015) (
Bryan, I., Langford, P. and McGarry, J. (eds.), The Foundation of the Juridico-Political: Concept Formation in Kelsen and Weber, (Routledge, 2015) (
Bryan, I., Interrogation and Confession: A Study of Progress, Process and Practice (Aldershot, UK; Brookfield, Vt, USA: Ashgate Publishing, 1997), ix, 338p (;
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles & Book Chapters:
Bryan, I. (with Langford, P.), "Kelsen, Weber and the Free Law Movement", pp.113-145, in Carsten Klingemann and Peter-Ulrich Merz-Benz, eds., Jahrbuch für Soziologiegeschichte 2020, (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2020) (
Bryan, I. (with Langford, P.), "The Kelsenian Critique of Natural Law", pp.1-55, in Langford, P., Bryan, I., and McGarry, J., (eds.), Hans Kelsen and the Natural Law Tradition, (Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2019) (
Bryan, I. (with Langford, P.), "From Wolff to Kelsen: The Transformation of the Notion of Civitas Maxima", pp.161-187, in Langford, P., and Bryan, I., (eds.), with McGarry, J., Hans Kelsen and the Natural Law Tradition, (Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2019) (
Bryan, I. (with Langford, P.), "Beyond Legal Positivism and Natural Law", pp.500-532, in Langford, P., and Bryan, I., (eds.), with McGarry, J., Hans Kelsen and the Natural Law Tradition, (Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2019) (
Bryan, I. (with Langford, P.), "The Kelsenian Critique of Natural Law", pp.1-55, in Langford, P., Bryan, I., and McGarry, J., (eds.), Hans Kelsen and the Natural Law Tradition, (Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2019) (
Bryan, I. (with Langford, P.), "The Place of Slavery in the Aristotelian Framework of Law, Reason and Emotion", pp.313-333, in L. Huppes-Cluysenaer and N. M.M.S. Coelho (eds.), Aristotle on Emotion in Law and Politics, (Springer-Verlag, 2018) (
Bryan, I. (with Langford, P. and McGarry, J.), "Kelsenian Legal Science and Positive Law", pp.1-19, in Langford, P., Bryan, I. and McGarry, J. (eds.), Kelsenian Legal Science and the Nature of Law, (Springer, 2017) (
Bryan I. (with Langford, P. and McGarry, J.), "Positive Law and the Kelsenian Project", pp.303-320, in Langford, P., Bryan, I. and McGarry, J. (eds.), Kelsenian Legal Science and the Nature of Law, (Springer, 2017) (
Bryan, I. (with Langford, P. and McGarry, J.), "Affinity and Divergence", pp.1-24, in Bryan, I., Langford, P. and McGarry, J. (eds.), The Reconstruction of the Juridico-Political: Affinity and Divergence in Hans Kelsen and Max Weber, (Routledge, 2015) (
Bryan, I. (with Langford, P. and McGarry, J.) "Convergence and Divergence", pp.1-20, in Bryan, I., Langford, P. and McGarry, J. (eds.), The Foundation of the Juridico-Political: Concept Formation in Hans Kelsen and Max Weber, (Routledge, 2015) (
Bryan, I. (with Langford, P.), "Beyond the Jurist as a Theologian of Legal Science: The Question of Carl Schmitt and the International Legal Order", pp.208-222, in Arvidsson, M., Brännström, L. and Minkkinen, P. (eds.), The Contemporary Revlevance of Carl Schmitt: Law, Politics, Theology, (Abingdon: Routledge, 2015), pp.208-222 (;
Bryan, I. (with Langford, P.), "Hans Kelsen's Concept of Normative Imputation", (2013) 26(1) Ratio Juris, pp.85-110 (
Bryan, I. (with Langford, P.), "Hans Kelsen's Theory of Legal Monism: A Critical Engagement with the Emerging Legal Order of the 1920s", (2012) 14(1) Journal of the History of International Law, pp.51-86 (
Bryan, I. (with Langford, P.), "The Unlawful Detention of Unauthorised Aliens under the European System for the Protection of Human Rights", (2011) 80(2) Nordic Journal of International Law, pp.193-218 ( (
Bryan, I. (with Langford, P.), "Impediments to the Expulsion of Non-Nationals: Substance and Coherence in Procedural Protection under the European Convention on Human Rights", (2010) 79(4) Nordic Journal of International Law, pp.457-479 (
Bryan, I., "Unpalatable in Word or Deed: Hostility, Difference and Free Expression", (2007) 1(2) Crimes and Misdemeanours: Deviance and the Law in Historical Perspective, pp.126-153 (
Bryan, I. (with Wallbank, J.), "The Lore of Sexual Difference in Social and Legal Discourse on 'Date Rape'", (2004) 15(2) Law and Critique, pp.183-206 (
Bryan, I., "Equality and Freedom from Discrimination: Article 13 EU Treaty", (2002) 24(2) Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, pp.223-38 (
Bryan, I. (with Salter, M.), "War Crimes Prosecutors and Intelligence Agencies: The Case for Assessing Their Collaboration", (2001) 16(3) Intelligence and National Security, pp.93-120 (
Bryan, I. (with Rowe, P.), "The Role of Evidence in War Crimes Trials: The Common Law and the Yugoslav Tribunal", (2000) 2 Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, pp.307-323 (
Bryan, I., "Suffering Offence: The Place, Function and Future of the Blasphemy Laws Revisited", (1999) 4(3) Journal of Civil Liberties, pp.332-362 (
Bryan, I., "Shifting Images: Police-Suspect Encounters During Custodial Interrogations", (1997) 17(2) Legal Studies, pp.215-333 (
‘Hans Keslen and the Natural Law Tradition: An International, Interdisciplinary Workshop’, Conference, September 2013, Edge Hill University, supported by the Austrian Cultural Forum (, Co-Organiser (
‘Wolff, Kelsen and a Law of Nations’, presented at ‘Hans Keslen and the Natural Law Tradition: An International, Interdisciplinary Workshop’, Conference, September 2013, Edge Hill (
'The Jurist and the International Legal Order', presented at Friend or Foe? The Contemporary Relevance of Carl Schmitt, Conference, 16-19/06/13, University of Helsinki, Finland - Invited Speaker (
Seminar on 'Hate Crime' - Law School, Centre for Law and Society, Dynamics of Memories, Lancaster University - Speaker: Dr P Iganski; Invited Commentator: Dr I Bryan, 01/02/13 (
Hans Kelsen and Max Weber: Convergencies and Divergencies in Conceptions of the Juridico-Political, 10-13/07/12, Edge Hill, Co-Organiser (
Bryan, I. (with Langford, P.), 'Between Political Philosophy and Politcal Science: Hans Kelsen and Democracy', Hans Kelsen and Max Weber: Convergencies and Divergencies in Conceptions of the Juridico-Political, 13/07/12 (
Bryan, I. (with Lanford, P.), 'Hans Kelsen's Notion of Imputation and its Ethico-Political Limits', Hans Kelsen and Max Weber: Convergencies and Divergencies in Conceptions of the Juridico-Political, 12/07/12 (
Bryan, I. (with Lanford, P.), 'Beyond the Dogma of the State: Kelsen and the Primacy of International Law', Hans Kelsen and Max Weber: Convergencies and Divergencies in Conceptions of the Juridico-Political, 12/07/12 (
Bryan, I. (with Lanford, P.), 'From the Theological to the Juridico-Political: Convergence and Divergence in Hans Kelsen and Max Weber', Hans Kelsen and Max Weber: Convergencies and Divergencies in Conceptions of the Juridico-Political, 11/07/12 (
Bryan, I., 'European Democracy, State Sovereignty and Non-Nationals', Invited Paper, What's the Big Deal about Democracy?, Third international Interdisciplinary Conference - Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics - University of Brighton, 08-10/09/08 (
Law, Religion and Culture: Interdisciplinary Symposium, supported by Lancaster University's Centre for Law and Society, Co-Organised with Dr S Beresford, hosted at Lancaster University, 14/09/07
(; (
Bryan, I., 'Presumptions, Burdens and Standards of Proof', Invited Paper, Working Group on Legal Presumptions, St Hugh's College, Oxford University, 19-20/07/03
Bryan, I., 'Injury to Feelings: Insult, Public Order and Human Rights', Invited Paper, Annual Hate Crimes Conference, Galleries of Justice, Nottingham, 21-22/02/02
Bryan, I., 'Taking Offence: Wounding Words and Criminal Culpability', Invited Paper, Crime, Culture and Control Colloquium, Cumberland Lodge, Great Park, Windsor, Berkshire, 21-32/09/01
Bryan, I., 'Methods and Functions of English Criminal Law: A Prologue', Faculty of Law, University of Trier, Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft, Universitat Trier, Germany, 23-27/04/01
Bryan, I., 'Criminal Law and Criminal Justice', Faculty of Law, University of Trier, Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft, Universitat Trier, Germany, 23-27/04/01
Bryan, I., Police Powers and Suspects' Rights', Faculty of Law, University of Trier, Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft, Universitat Trier, Germany, 23-27/04/01
Bryan, I., 'Custodial Interrogation', Faculty of Law, University of Trier, Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft, Universitat Trier, Germany, 23-27/04/01
Bryan, I., 'The Right to Silence in English Law', Faculty of Law, University of Trier, Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft, Universitat Trier, Germany, 23-27/04/01
Bryan, I., 'The Exclusion of Evidence', Faculty of Law, University of Trier, Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft, Universitat Trier, Germany, 23-27/04/01
Bryan, I., 'The Conduct Element in English Criminal Law', Faculty of Law, University of Trier, Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft, Universitat Trier, Germany, 23-27/04/01
Bryan, I., 'Causation and Liability for Omissions', Faculty of Law, University of Trier, Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft, Universitat Trier, Germany, 23-27/04/01
Bryan, I., 'Freedom of Speech and the Criminalisation of Offensive Words', Faculty of Law, University of Trier, Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft, Universitat Trier, Germany, 23-27/04/01
Bryan, I., 'Privileging Christian Sensibilities', Invited Paper, The Second International Forum on Diversity within Unity: Culture, Conflict and Belonging, Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford, 02-05/08/01
Bryan, I., 'The English Law of Blasphemy, Public Order and Human Rights', Invited Paper, Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, Queen's University, Belfast, 26-28/04/00
Bryan, I., 'Assessing Police-Suspect Encounters and Police Interviewing Techniques', Invited Paper, The Law Forum, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, 29/10/95
Research Supervision
'Drug-Use Dependency: Policy, Regulation and Treatment'
'European Criminal Justice: Judicial Harmonisation Processes in Italy and England and Wales'
'The New Retributism in Europe'
'Mental Disorder and the Criminal Law'
'Police Civil and Criminal Liability'
'New Reproductive Technologies: Parenthood as Social Right'
Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSN › Chapter (peer-reviewed) › peer-review
Research output: Book/Report/Proceedings › Book
Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSN › Chapter (peer-reviewed) › peer-review
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference -Mixed Audience