Formerly at Lancaster University
Personal research
Fine art, historical and contemporary; fine art practice and pedagogy; classical and contemporary social theory and philosophy; visual culture; aspects of leisure theory.
Research fellowships
Awarded sixteen month Leverhulme Research Fellowship. Research and writing of book on visual art and new theories of modernity
Editorial roles
Associate Editor of Journal of Visual Art Practice,1999 onwards
Research Project Organisation and Management
Responsible for running and development of RQA Art and Design unit at Leeds Metropolitan University, including seminars, research training, conferences, and preparation and writing of RQA submissions,1994-2000.
Co-initiator and leading role in 'Poetics and Visual Art' collaborative and inter-disciplinary project, 2001 onwards.
Extensive undergraduate teaching in the studio (fine art practice) and historical and critical studies, including eight years as course leader of BA (Hons) Fine Art at Leeds Polytechnic (at that time a course with one of the best reputations in the UK). During my time as course leader the programme was awarded the highest possible grade by independent government inspectors.
MA teaching in art theory
Research degrees: supervision of four successful doctoral candidates; external examination of theory and practice doctorate at Lancaster University, cultural and social theory at Manchester Metropolitan University and the University of Central Lancashire
External examining
BA (Hons) Fine Art, Falmouth College of Arts,1997-2001
BA (Hons) Fine Art, Goldsmiths' College,1998-2000
MA Fine Art, City and Guilds London Art School, 2000-2003
BA (Hons) Art and Philosophy, University of Dundee, 2002-2006
MA Sociology of Contemporary Culture, York University, 2006-
BA s in Art and Design subjects, visual culture modules, University of the West of England, 2007-
Social Theories of Art: A Critique. London: Macmillan
Interpreting Visual Culture: Explorations in the Hermeneutics of the Visual, London and New York, Routledge, 1998 (with Barry Sandywell),
Visual Art and New Theories of Modernity, in preparation
Handbook of Visual Culture. Oxford: Berg (with Barry Sandywell), due 2009 (see also attached information
Essays in refereed academic journals, edited collections, and reviews
'Culture Made, Found and Lost' in Jenks C. (ed.), Cultural Reproduction, London, Routledge, 1993
'Urgent Dreams: Climbing, Rationalisation and Ambivalence', Leisure Studies No. 13, Vol. 2, pp.179-194, Edinburgh, 1994. Republished in G. Ritzer (ed.) The McDonaldization Reader. London: Pine Forge Press, 2002
'Primitive Practices: Against Visual Theory' in O'Brien K. (ed.), Artists From Europe, Leeds, Leeds Metropolitan University, 1995
'An Art of Scholars: Corruption, Negation and Particularity in Paintings by Ryman and Richter' in Jenks C. (ed.), Visual Culture, London, Routledge, 1995
'Richter's Reflexivity' in Whiteley N. (ed.), Detraditionalisation: Art, Aesthetics and Authority, London, Middlesex University Press, 2001
'Deleuze on Francis Bacon', essay in P. Smith and C. Wilde (eds.), A Companion to Art Theory. Oxford: Blackwell, 2002
Review: Brian Massumi (ed.) A Shock to Thought: Expression After Deleuze and Guattari, in British Journal of Aesthetics,2003
(with the painter Kevin O'Brien) 'Painting: Some Deeper Questions of Surface' in Art in the Making, edited by Kerstin Mey, Peter Lang, 2006'Climbing Monsters: Excess and Restraint in Contemporary Rock Climbing', Leisure Studies, 25th Anniversary Edition, 2006
Catalogue essays
'Tom Wood: The Space of Sense', Leeds and London, Leeds City Art Gallery and the Harte Gallery, Islington, 1994
'Dialogues: Recent Paintings by Monair Hyman', Leigh, Turnpike Gallery, 1995
'Pools of Memory: Recent Paintings by Judith Cain', London, Thackerey Gallery, 1996
'Imperfections and Impossibilities: Sculpture by Alyson Brien', Leeds, Leeds Metropolitan University, 1996
2004, Introduction Being In Place: Landscapes of Central Asia, recent paintings by Judith Cain. Kew Gardens, Thakerey Gallery and touring
Selected conference presentations
'An Art of Scholars?: Detraditionalized Practice in Painting', Detraditionalization: Authority and Self in an Age of Cultural Uncertainty, University of Lancaster, 8th-12th July 1993
'To Bolt Is Not To Be: Rock Climbing, Reflexive Modernization and Ambivalence', The Politics of Cultural Change, University of Lancaster, 8th-11th July1994
'Ethical Conflicts in Climbing, Modernization Culture, staff and graduate seminar, Manchester Metropolitan University,1994
'Particularity and the Good of Perception' Theoros Group Conference in conjunction with British Society for Aesthetics, School of Historical Visual Studies, Cardiff Institute of Higher Education,1995
'Art, Ethics and Perception', Memory, History and Critique: European Identity at the Millennium, Fifth Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Idea, University of Humanist Studies, Utrecht, Netherlands,1996
'Painting: Some Deeper Questions of Surface' (with K. O'Brien), Theoros Conference, Aesthetics, Historicity and Practice, Department of Philosophy, University of Dundee, 1998
'Mantegna, Bonnefoy and Intelligence', Association of Art Historians Annual Conference, UCL, 2003
'Cubism, Disembedding and Reembedding' British Sociological Association Annual Conference, University of York, 2004
2006 'Orphic Guidelines: Art and Rhetoric of Research', a refereed paper for the Third International Conference, Centre for Learning and Teaching in Art and Design. Enhancing the Curricula, Hotel Sana Park, Portugal
2006 'Recognising Drives and Transmitting Values, invited paper, 25th Anniversary Conference of the international journal Leisure Studies, University of Loughborough
2007 'Current Aspects of Visual Culture Studies', open public lecture for the University of the West of England, Waterside, Bristol
'The Teaching Studio: What's the Point of Making?' Association of Art Historians Annual Conference, Tate Britain 2008
Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSN › Chapter
Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSN › Chapter
Research output: Book/Report/Proceedings › Book