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Jane Pye

Lecturer, Research Student

Jane Pye

Bowland North




Prior to joining Lancaster University full time, I worked with children, young people and families predominately in the statutory youth justice system, both as a social worker and as a manager. In my role here at Lancaster University, I use my practice experience as a foundation from which to explore social work practice pedagogies especially in relation to how we teach, learn and assess relationship-based and person-centred approaches. I am embedded in the teaching of social work practice and am committed to supporting students to explore how social work knowledge, values and skills can be translated into practice with purpose and conscious intent. I am also interested in how educational experiences can be transformative for student social workers and how we prepare students to be ready for social work practice. Alongside my committment to the ongoing development of social work education, I am also interested in how the context of social work practice is relevant to the experiences of being a social worker, specifically in relation to practising in rural and remote locations. I maintain my social work registration with Social Work England.




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