Career details
I am a Lecturer in Criminology at Lancaster University. I have taught on the Criminology degree courses in the Department of Applied Social Science here at Lancaster since 1998. I currently convene one full unit second year module 'Understanding Criminal Justice'.
My PGCE was specifically related to the teaching of children with special needs and I have wide experience of working with people with physical and learning disabilities.
Recent research experience;
- Associate Researcher with the ESRC TLRP research project into the learning experience of disabled students in Higher Education, for Lancaster University and The University of Central Lancashire
- Associate Researcher with the Researching Equity, Access and Participation (REAP) research group in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University
- Member of The Applied Social Science Unit for Research & Evaluation (ASSURE) through which I am undertaking research in relation to Learning Disability Services in partenership with the Institute for Health Research, Lancaster University
My work is focused around the government's social inclusion agenda. The research methods used include surveys, interviews, focus groups and action research. Recent publications include theoretical analyses of government policy in relation to disability and education and employment.
I currently convene one full unit module on the Criminology Degree;
ASSc 218 Understanding Criminal Justice: this course aims to provide an introduction to the policies and practice of the police, courts, prisons and probation service
My PGCE was specifically related to the teaching of children with special needs and I have wide experience of working with people with physical and learning disabilities.
Recent research experience
Associate Researcher with the ESRC TLRP research project into the learning experience of disabled students in Higher Education, for Lancaster University and The University of Central Lancashire
Associate Researcher with the Researching Equity, Access and Participation (REAP) research group in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University
Member of Lancaster University Centre for Disability Research
I have undertaken a broad range of applied social research within the areas of disability, with specific regard to employment, teaching and learning in Higher Education, and widening participation in education
My work is focused around the government's social inclusion agenda. The research methods used include surveys, interviews, focus groups and action research. Recent publications include theoretical analyses of government policy in relation to disability and education and employment.
Disability policy in relation to education, employment, social care, social welfare and criminal justice.