Sonic Art
My specialism is electroacoustic music. Between 1999 and 2006, I developed and taught a half-unit module called "Beyond Notes and Notation: Sonic Art" in which we explored the boundaries of art-made-of-sound that make modern music so exciting. As LICA has standardised undergraduate courses into full-unit modules, and developed modules in computer music by full-time members of the academic staff, my module has now been 'laid down'.
Some day it may get up again, you never know! :-)
Publications and editorial work
- Classification procedures for software evaluation. Co-authored paper (with Muriel Amar, Sophie David and Rachel Panckhurst) presented at the LREC 2008 conference, Marrakech, Morocco, May 2008.
- Refining the criteria for quality software evaluation. Invited presentation of co-authored paper (with Sophie David and Rachel Panckhurst) at the SURF Education Days, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 2005.
- Revising the Evaluation Procedure of the European Academic Software Award. Co-authored paper (with Rachel Panckhurst and Sophie David) presented at the EUNIS conference, Manchester, 2005.
- (Book editor, with R. Panckhurst & S. David) Evaluation in e-learning: the European Academic Software Award (Montpellier: Université; Montpellier III, 2004). Includes authored chapter: 'Finding finalists: from individual evaluations to collective decisions' and with G. Petersson & B. Cordewener: 'From the first to the second decade of EKMA: reflections and recommendations'.
- Women in Music Technology in Higher Education in the UK, eContact 3.3, (2000).
- Evaluating first-time lecturing: Where to start? When to stop?, Evaluate and Improve, (Humanities Academic Network Conference,1999).
- Musicus: Computer Applications in Music Education. Editor (1994-99).
- Computer Music Journal. Associate Editor: news and announcements (1999-2002)
See also Lisa Whistlecroft's Composition Home Page
- Walking with Ghosts, Fixed medium composition (2008) [23:45] based on the landscape text Mourning Walk by Carl Lavery.
- Millennium Point Centre, Birmingham, England, Hello Digital festival, 24 October 2008
- CELLspace, San Francisco, USA, 2009 San Francisco Tape Music Festival, 1 February 2009
- Ohrenhoch, der Geräuschladen in Berlin-Neukölln, Germany, 17 and 24 May 2009
- death among the apple trees, Fixed medium composition (2007) [3:08] from The Saturated Moment.
- CBSO Centre, Birmingham, England, 25 years of BEAST, 8 March 2008
- Sydney, Australia, Australasian Computer Music Conference (ACMC) 2008 in, 11 July 2008
- Literaturhaus, Basel, Switzerland, A Diamond in the Mud as part of Digital Arts Week, 25-27 September 2008
- The Saturated Moment, Fixed medium score for dance work by Nigel Stewart and Dominique Bulgin (2006) [14:45].
- Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, Bratislava, Slovakia, at the Laban for the 21st Century Conference at the 2006 Bratislava in Movement Festival, 8 October 2006
- Chisenhale Dance Space, London, England, a sharing in the Artists' Programme, 26 November 2006
- Nuffield Theatre, Lancaster University, England, Ludus Dance : Dance Cuts 2006, 2 December 2006
- Workshop Theatre, Leeds University, England, Performing Literatures conference, 30 June 2007
- Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London, in Firsts, Linbury Studio, 20 and 21 November 2007
- Almost Nothing But (Butterflies and Clouds), Fixed medium composition (2006) [8:55].
- Goldsmiths College, London, England, Sound Practice Conference, 11 February 2006
- California State University, Fullerton, USA, Fifth Annual Women in New Music Festival, Electro-acoustic Listening Room, Voices on the Edge, 9 March 2006
- CBSO Centre, Birmingham, England, Voyages Sonores, 19 March 2006
- Bendigo, Victoria, Australia, Empirical Soundings, an installation in Bendigo Town Hall, to mark the Commonwealth Games, 24-26 March 2006
- The Space, London, England, Wild Dog 3: Interior Spaces, 25 March 2006
- St Peter's Arts Centre, Preston, England, Trans-Pennine Electroacoustic Music Concert as part of SEAMUS Electroacoustic Music Month, 4 November 2006
- ODC Theater, San Francisco, USA, 2007 San Francisco Tape Music Festival, 27 January 2007
- Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, Zeppelin festival of sound art, El Sonido en la Cueva, 15 March 2008
- International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2008) in Belfast, 27 August 2008
- Guarnerius Center of Arts Jovan Kolundžija, Belgrade, Serbia, Art of Sounds: 1st Annual International Festival of Electroacoustic and Polymedia Art, 27 December 2008
- Capstone Theatre, Liverpool, England, Sonic Interactions, October 2010.
- GFAAW Silent Key, Fixed medium composition (2004) [7:00].
- BCA Gallery, Bedford, England, Radio 101, 4 October 2004
- Scarborough, England, Expo 966, 19 June 2005
- Sao Paulo, Brazil, at FILE Electronic Language International Festival FILE 2005 Symposium Hipersonica, October 2005
- CBSO Centre, Birmingham, England, Travels in Time and Space, 31 May 2009
- Palimpsest: stella obscura, Fixed medium composition (2003) [7:54].
- California State University, Fullerton, USA, Third Annual Women and Gender in Music Festival, Electro-acoustic Listening Room, Hearing Voices, 14 March 2004
- University of Aberdeen, Scotland, experimental music showcase Phonography Concert (headphone installation), 27 January 2005
- Butterfield Gallery, Jedburgh Community and Arts Centre, Jedburgh, Scotland, Sound Cafe, 26 November 2005
- University of Central Lancashire, Preston, England, Binaural Audio Art Symposium, 15 July 2007
- Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, Zeppelin festival of sound art, El Sonido en la Cueva, 13 March 2008
- The Day Before, Fixed medium composition (2003) [2:47].
- Sheffield, England, Sound Junction, 28 May 2003
- California State University, Fullerton, USA, Third Annual Women and Gender in Music Festival, Electro-acoustic Listening Room, Hearing Voices, 14 March 2004
- Broadcast on 209Radio, Cambridge, England, 12 Feb 2006
- St Peter's Arts Centre, Preston, England, Trans-Pennine Electroacoustic Music Concert as part of SEAMUS Electroacoustic Music Month, 4 November 2006
- Souvenirs, Fixed medium composition (2001) [12:35].
- CBSO Centre, Birmingham, England, NOVARS, 10 November 2001
- The Arches, Glasgow, Scotland, New Territories 2002 International Festival of Live Arts, 17 Feb 2002
- Broadcast in the programme Where's the Beat? on CKUT Montreal, Canada, 6 March 2002
- Room 107, Oyston Gallery of Contemporary Art, Preston, England, BEAST concerts, 16 and 17 May 2003
- Scarborough, England, at SEA03 (Scarborough Electro-Acoustics), 4 July 2003.
- Work for the Railways, Fixed medium composition (1996) [3:40].
- University of Birmingham, England, Open Day, 13 September 1996
- The Planetarium, Winnipeg, Canada, 21 November 1996
- The Sonic Arts Network conference, University of Birmingham, England, 10 January 1998
- Lemon Tree Theatre, Aberdeen, Scotland, discoveries concert, 26 February 1998
- Broadcast in the programme Where's the Beat? on CKUT Montreal, Canada, 6 March 2002
- John Hansard Gallery, Southampton, England, as part of a performance of Musicircus in the Cage 2002: 90/10 John Cage study day, 21 September 2002
- Georgia State University School of Art & Design Galleries, Atlanta, USA, opening night of the 5-week Pulse Field festival, 18 January 2003
- CBSO Centre, Birmingham, England, 20/20 Re:Vision, celebrating the 20th anniversary of BEAST, 8 March 2003
- California State University, Fullerton, USA, Women's Listening Room Transforming Voices, 27 March 2003
- Corporation Nightclub, Sheffield, England, Sounds recorded for an empty nightclub, as part of Art Sheffield 03, 28 March 2003. A limited edition double CD sounds recorded for an empty nightclub was released of this arts event.
- Podcast as part of the ArtCast series during and after folly's VELOCITY festival of digital culture (11 october - 3 November 2007), 15 November 2007
Administrative and Pastoral Work
I'm a member of the executive of the Lancaster branch of the UCU. I was a founder member of the University's Harassment Network and the (then) AUT representative on the University's Equal Opportunities Committee for six years.
PALATINE's purpose is to work nationally to enhance learning and teaching in performing arts disciplines. I am a Deputy Director.
My research is mostly into e-learning, and how to evaluate how useful it is, and more generally on the use of new technologies in teaching and learning. This currently includes working with projects in Second Life and keeping a watching brief on the uses of mobile and wireless technologies such as iPods, and social networking like FaceBook for educational purposes.
I was a founder member of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT). From 1994-2006 I was closely involved with the European Knowledge Media Association (EKMA), now part of the European Foundation for Quality in E-Learning (EFQUEL). In 2004 I co-edited the book Evaluation in e-learning: the European Academic Software Award and co-organised the seminar Evaluation in e-learning: review and future directions at the University of Montpellier III. In 2006 I joined the newly-formed European Union Information Systems (EUNIS) E-Learning Task Force.
My background is in music (plus physics and engineering) and for ten years I was the Coordinator of the Computers in Teaching Initiative Centre for Music which investigated the uses of new learning technologies for HE music education.
Obviously, I'm also interested in the uses of new technology in the creation and performance of music. My specialism is in electroacoustic music - music made through the processing of sounds, recorded onto CD, and presented in concerts by diffusion and projection through loudspeakers. From 2000-2004, I was an elected Director and Company Secretary of the Sonic Arts Network(now part of Sound and Music) and from 1999-2002 I was Associate Editor: news and announcements for Computer Music Journal.
In 1991, I co-organised the first computer music day at Lancaster University, comprising a seminar on fractal music and a public concert by BEAST (Birmingham Electroacoustic Sound Theatre) [programme]. The same team organised a similar event the following year [programme]. In 2000, I curated and presented the first series of lunchtime concerts of electroacoustic music, entitled Come Hear.
I am also a freelance composer, and my MPhil is in composition. My work includes soundscapes and music for dance. My pieces have been performed in the UK, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland and the USA, and broadcast on local and web radio in the UK and Canada. In November 2007, the dance piece The Saturated Moment, developed as a collaborative research project with Nigel Stewart, was performed in the Linbury Studio of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden.
See also Lisa Whistlecroft's Composition Home Page
- Walking with Ghosts, Fixed medium composition (2008) [23:45] based on the landscape text Mourning Walk by Carl Lavery.
- Millennium Point Centre, Birmingham, England, Hello Digital festival, 24 October 2008
- CELLspace, San Francisco, USA, 2009 San Francisco Tape Music Festival, 1 February 2009
- Ohrenhoch, der Geräuschladen in Berlin-Neukölln, Germany, 17 and 24 May 2009
- death among the apple trees, Fixed medium composition (2007) [3:08] from The Saturated Moment.
- CBSO Centre, Birmingham, England, 25 years of BEAST, 8 March 2008
- Sydney, Australia, Australasian Computer Music Conference (ACMC) 2008 in, 11 July 2008
- Literaturhaus, Basel, Switzerland, A Diamond in the Mud as part of Digital Arts Week, 25-27 September 2008
- The Saturated Moment, Fixed medium score for dance work by Nigel Stewart and Dominique Bulgin (2006) [14:45].
- Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, Bratislava, Slovakia, at the Laban for the 21st Century Conference at the 2006 Bratislava in Movement Festival, 8 October 2006
- Chisenhale Dance Space, London, England, a sharing in the Artists' Programme, 26 November 2006
- Nuffield Theatre, Lancaster University, England, Ludus Dance : Dance Cuts 2006, 2 December 2006
- Workshop Theatre, Leeds University, England, Performing Literatures conference, 30 June 2007
- Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London, in Firsts, Linbury Studio, 20 and 21 November 2007
- Almost Nothing But (Butterflies and Clouds), Fixed medium composition (2006) [8:55].
- Goldsmiths College, London, England, Sound Practice Conference, 11 February 2006
- California State University, Fullerton, USA, Fifth Annual Women in New Music Festival, Electro-acoustic Listening Room, Voices on the Edge, 9 March 2006
- CBSO Centre, Birmingham, England, Voyages Sonores, 19 March 2006
- Bendigo, Victoria, Australia, Empirical Soundings, an installation in Bendigo Town Hall, to mark the Commonwealth Games, 24-26 March 2006
- The Space, London, England, Wild Dog 3: Interior Spaces, 25 March 2006
- St Peter's Arts Centre, Preston, England, Trans-Pennine Electroacoustic Music Concert as part of SEAMUS Electroacoustic Music Month, 4 November 2006
- ODC Theater, San Francisco, USA, 2007 San Francisco Tape Music Festival, 27 January 2007
- Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, Zeppelin festival of sound art, El Sonido en la Cueva, 15 March 2008
- International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2008) in Belfast, 27 August 2008
- Guarnerius Center of Arts Jovan Kolundžija, Belgrade, Serbia, Art of Sounds: 1st Annual International Festival of Electroacoustic and Polymedia Art, 27 December 2008
- Capstone Theatre, Liverpool, England, Sonic Interactions, October 2010.
- GFAAW Silent Key, Fixed medium composition (2004) [7:00].
- BCA Gallery, Bedford, England, Radio 101, 4 October 2004
- Scarborough, England, Expo 966, 19 June 2005
- Sao Paulo, Brazil, at FILE Electronic Language International Festival FILE 2005 Symposium Hipersonica, October 2005
- CBSO Centre, Birmingham, England, Travels in Time and Space, 31 May 2009
- Palimpsest: stella obscura, Fixed medium composition (2003) [7:54].
- California State University, Fullerton, USA, Third Annual Women and Gender in Music Festival, Electro-acoustic Listening Room, Hearing Voices, 14 March 2004
- University of Aberdeen, Scotland, experimental music showcase Phonography Concert (headphone installation), 27 January 2005
- Butterfield Gallery, Jedburgh Community and Arts Centre, Jedburgh, Scotland, Sound Cafe, 26 November 2005
- University of Central Lancashire, Preston, England, Binaural Audio Art Symposium, 15 July 2007
- Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, Zeppelin festival of sound art, El Sonido en la Cueva, 13 March 2008
- The Day Before, Fixed medium composition (2003) [2:47].
- Sheffield, England, Sound Junction, 28 May 2003
- California State University, Fullerton, USA, Third Annual Women and Gender in Music Festival, Electro-acoustic Listening Room, Hearing Voices, 14 March 2004
- Broadcast on 209Radio, Cambridge, England, 12 Feb 2006
- St Peter's Arts Centre, Preston, England, Trans-Pennine Electroacoustic Music Concert as part of SEAMUS Electroacoustic Music Month, 4 November 2006
- Souvenirs, Fixed medium composition (2001) [12:35].
- CBSO Centre, Birmingham, England, NOVARS, 10 November 2001
- The Arches, Glasgow, Scotland, New Territories 2002 International Festival of Live Arts, 17 Feb 2002
- Broadcast in the programme Where's the Beat? on CKUT Montreal, Canada, 6 March 2002
- Room 107, Oyston Gallery of Contemporary Art, Preston, England, BEAST concerts, 16 and 17 May 2003
- Scarborough, England, at SEA03 (Scarborough Electro-Acoustics), 4 July 2003.
- Work for the Railways, Fixed medium composition (1996) [3:40].
- University of Birmingham, England, Open Day, 13 September 1996
- The Planetarium, Winnipeg, Canada, 21 November 1996
- The Sonic Arts Network conference, University of Birmingham, England, 10 January 1998
- Lemon Tree Theatre, Aberdeen, Scotland, discoveries concert, 26 February 1998
- Broadcast in the programme Where's the Beat? on CKUT Montreal, Canada, 6 March 2002
- John Hansard Gallery, Southampton, England, as part of a performance of Musicircus in the Cage 2002: 90/10 John Cage study day, 21 September 2002
- Georgia State University School of Art & Design Galleries, Atlanta, USA, opening night of the 5-week Pulse Field festival, 18 January 2003
- CBSO Centre, Birmingham, England, 20/20 Re:Vision, celebrating the 20th anniversary of BEAST, 8 March 2003
- California State University, Fullerton, USA, Women's Listening Room Transforming Voices, 27 March 2003
- Corporation Nightclub, Sheffield, England, Sounds recorded for an empty nightclub, as part of Art Sheffield 03, 28 March 2003. A limited edition double CD sounds recorded for an empty nightclub was released of this arts event.
- Podcast as part of the ArtCast series during and after folly's VELOCITY festival of digital culture (11 october - 3 November 2007), 15 November 2007