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Lucia Ardovini supervises 2 postgraduate research students. If these students have produced research profiles, these are listed below:

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Dr Lucia Ardovini

Lecturer in International Relations (IR Theory)

Lucia Ardovini

County South



Office Hours:

Tuesdays 1-3pm.

Research overview

My research focuses on the intersection of transnational diaspora activism, transnational repression, and social movements.

This builds on my experience researching politically and religiously motivated social movements, and their experience of forced exile. Through the study of social movements such as the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, I investigated the role that identity, religion, ideology and forced displacement play in bringing about social and political change. I also focus on identity politics, looking at how collective identities are challenged by the emergence of individual agency in social movements that are undergoing internal and external transformations.

PhD supervision

I am interested in supervising PhD projects in the following areas: transnational activism; transnational repression; diaspora politics; political Islam; authoritarianism.

Professional Role

Director - The Richardson Institute.

Research Interests

transnational activism; transnational repression; diaspora politics; social movements; authoritarianism. 

Current Teaching

IR.100 - International Relations: Theory and Practice.

PPR.280 - International Relations, Security and Sustainability.

PPR.410 - Major Approaches to the Study of International Relations.

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