My research aims to bridge the gap between micro-mechanics at the particle level and complex industrial-scale processes, and create multi-scale modelling frameworks that can address industrial challenges and provide solutions for designing and optimizing powder processing equipment and processes. My research is mainly focused on:
- Multi-scale modelling and simulation of processes and materials (Computation Fluid Dynamics, Discrete element method, Population balance modelling, Heat and mass transfer models)
- Pharmaceutical processes
- Simulation of solid-fluid systems
- Digital Twins of industrial-scale processes
PhD, MSc and BSc self-funded projects are welcome regarding solid-fluid multiphase systems, CFD-DEM modelling and simulation, simulation of microplastics, biopharmaceutical process and drug-delivery technologies, heat and mass transfer
2021 - 2023 Data and modelling R&D scientist at Procter and Gamble, Newcastle Innovation Centre
2019 - 2021 Postdoctoral researcher at INSTM/Politecnico di Torino
2016 - Visiting PhD at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering
2015 - 2019 PhD in Chemical Engineering at Politecnico di Torino working on continuous manufacturing of freeze-dried pharmaceuticals
2015 - Visiting Scholar at McGill University (Montreal, Canada), Dept of Mining and Materials Engineering
I am the module leader for the following courses:
ENGR560: Engineering Projects and Organisations in Practice (Postgraduate)
This module is part of the MSc in Engineering Project Management, focusing on the practical and theoretical aspects of managing engineering projects within complex organizational environments.
ENGR264: Engineering Design Project (Undergraduate)
As part of the Chemical Engineering BEng program, this module guides students through the process of developing and executing an engineering design project, integrating core engineering principles.
I also serve as module convenor for this first-year course ENGR102 Fundamentals of Engineering Science, introducing BEng students to the foundational principles underpinning Chemical Engineering.
I am also Project Supervisor for ENGR407 MEng Group Project, ENGR445 MEng Industry Project, ENGR495 MEng Individual Project (ChemEng)