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Dr Luigi Capozzi

Lecturer in Chemical Engineering

Luigi Capozzi

Engineering Building



Research overview

My research aims to bridge the gap between micro-mechanics at the particle level and complex industrial-scale processes, and create multi-scale modelling frameworks that can address industrial challenges and provide solutions for designing and optimizing powder processing equipment and processes. My research is mainly focused on:

  • Multi-scale modelling and simulation of processes and materials (Computation Fluid Dynamics, Discrete element method, Population balance modelling, Heat and mass transfer models)
  • Pharmaceutical processes
  • Simulation of solid-fluid systems
  • Digital Twins of industrial-scale processes

PhD supervision

PhD, MSc and BSc self-funded projects are welcome regarding solid-fluid multiphase systems, CFD-DEM modelling and simulation, simulation of microplastics, biopharmaceutical process and drug-delivery technologies, heat and mass transfer

Career Details

2021 - 2023 Data and modelling R&D scientist at Procter and Gamble, Newcastle Innovation Centre

2019 - 2021 Postdoctoral researcher at INSTM/Politecnico di Torino

2016 - Visiting PhD at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering

2015 - 2019 PhD in Chemical Engineering at Politecnico di Torino working on continuous manufacturing of freeze-dried pharmaceuticals

2015 - Visiting Scholar at McGill University (Montreal, Canada), Dept of Mining and Materials Engineering

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